Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Many Mormon sources were consulted in the preparation of Millions of Mormons Can’t Be Wrong, Or Can They? Some are totally sympathetic to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while others — notably LDS scholars — have serious questions about Mormon history and doctrine.
Therefore: Be a Berean!

Mormon Plan of Salvation
Phil Roberts, DPhil
But they use words just like ours-gospel, savior, atonement, virgin birth. In fact, don’t they also baptize by immersion, send out missionaries, and talk about the gospel? It seems that their view of salvation is just like Baptists and other evangelicals! Isn’t that the case?

Latter Day Saint Movement
The Latter Day Saint movement (also called the LDS movement, LDS restorationist movement, or Smith–Rigdon movement) is the collection of independent church groups that trace their origins to a Christian Restorationist movement founded by Joseph Smith in the late 1820s.
Collectively, these churches have over 17 million nominal members.

Church of Christ (LDS)
The Church of Christ was the original name of the Latter Day Saint church founded by Joseph Smith. Organized informally in 1829 in Upstate New York and then formally on April 6, 1830, it was the first organization to implement the principles found in Smith’s newly published Book of Mormon, and thus its establishment represents the formal beginning of the Latter Day Saint movement.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, informally known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church, is a restorationist, nontrinitarian Christian denomination that is the largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement. The church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has established congregations and built temples worldwide.

Brigham Young
Brigham Young was an American religious leader and politician. He was the second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1847 until his death in 1877.
During his time as church president, Young led his followers, the Mormon pioneers, west from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Salt Lake Valley. He founded Salt Lake City and served as the first governor of the Utah Territory.

Mormon Reformation
The Mormon Reformation was a period of renewed emphasis on spirituality within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), and a centrally-directed movement, which called for a spiritual reawakening among church members.
It took place during 1856 and 1857 and was under the direction of church president Brigham Young.

Journal of Discourses
The Journal of Discourses is a 26-volume collection of public sermons by early leaders of the LDS Church. Publication began in 1854, with the approval and endorsement of the church’s First Presidency, and ended in 1886. The Journal is one of the richest sources of early LDS theology and thinking. It includes 1,438 sermons given by 55 church leaders, including most numerously Brigham Young, John Taylor, Orson Pratt, Heber C. Kimball, and George Q. Cannon.

The Danites
The Danites were a fraternal organization founded by Latter Day Saint members in June 1838, in Far West, Missouri. During their period of organization in Missouri, the Danites operated as a vigilante group and took a central role in the events of the 1838 Mormon War. They remained an important part of Mormon and non-Mormon folklore, polemics, and propaganda for the remainder of the 19th century, waning in ideological prominence after Utah gained statehood.

Danites and Destroying Angels
W. Wyl
The Mormon leaders kept up their lying about polygamy for a period of more than ten years, calling, as accused criminals often do, God and the angels as witnesses that they were speaking the truth. Since 1852 their tactics have changed. They now confess polygamy, but not that they have been lying. Lying in this “church” is “hiding pearls from the swine;” stealing is taking as the Lord’s agents; seducing other people’s wives is exalting, and killing people is saving them. [From 1886]

Brigham's Destroying Angel: The Life, Confession, and Startling Disclosures of the Notorious Bill Hickman, the Danite Chief of Utah
Bill Hickman

Continuing the Program of the Prophet
Milton V. Backman, PhD
One of the significant contributions of Joseph Smith was to establish a program that enabled other leaders to continue the work which he restored. This program included not only teaching others essential gospel principles but training others to record, publish, and preserve his historical records. Following the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was the only group of leaders who continued this vital program of the Prophet.

Jacob Hawn and the Hawn’s Mill Massacre: Missouri Millwright and Oregon Pioneer
Alexander L. Baugh
An extensive examination of the incident generally known as the 1838 Hawn’s Mill Massacre and its aftermath.
From Baugh’s doctrinal dissertation.

Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
Various Authors
Dialogue is an independent national quarterly established to express Mormon culture and examine the relevance of religion to secular life. This volume contains a special section, “Reappraisals of Mormon History,” which has been guest edited by Leonard Arrington in cooperation with the Mormon History Association, of which he is president.

Gospel Fundamentals
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“This book will help you learn and teach the basic principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Knowing these principles will help you understand the purpose of life and how to be truly happy.” (From the Preface)
Gospel Fundamentals is published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints specifically to indoctrinate Mormon people with Mormon doctrine!

Doctrines of Salvation, Vol 1
Bruce R. McConkie
The Sermons and Writings of Joseph Fielding Smith.
McConkie claims: “Joseph Fielding Smith is the leading gospel scholar and the greatest doctrinal teacher of this generation. Few men in this dispensation have approached him in gospel knowledge or surpassed him in spiritual insight, His is the faith and the knowledge of his father, President Joseph F. Smith, and his grandfather, the Patriarch Hyrum Smith.”

Doctrines of Salvation, Vol 2
Bruce R. McConkie
The Sermons and Writings of Joseph Fielding Smith.
McConkie claims: “Joseph Fielding Smith is the leading gospel scholar and the greatest doctrinal teacher of this generation. Few men in this dispensation have approached him in gospel knowledge or surpassed him in spiritual insight, His is the faith and the knowledge of his father, President Joseph F. Smith, and his grandfather, the Patriarch Hyrum Smith.”

Doctrines of Salvation, Vol 3
Bruce R. McConkie
The Sermons and Writings of Joseph Fielding Smith.
McConkie claims: “Joseph Fielding Smith is the leading gospel scholar and the greatest doctrinal teacher of this generation. Few men in this dispensation have approached him in gospel knowledge or surpassed him in spiritual insight, His is the faith and the knowledge of his father, President Joseph F. Smith, and his grandfather, the Patriarch Hyrum Smith.”

Missionary Materials and Methods: A Preliminary Study
Dennis A. Wright & Janine Gallagher Doot
On October 15, 2004, an LDS Church satellite broadcast introduced mission leaders around the world to the new Preach My Gospel missionary guide. The introduction of this manual was the latest contribution to a century-old discussion regarding the best way for missionaries to present the (Mormon) gospel message.

The Reed Peck Manuscript
Reed Peck
In a letter dated September 18, 1836, Reed Peck sat down to write a sketch of Mormon history respecting their troubles in Missouri. “You have probably read many articles in the papers, but through that channel you cannot become acquainted even with the features of their story. The record of the Court is perhaps the only source in Missouri from which the particulars of the transactions in Caldwell county [- – – -] could be obtained.”

1838 Mormon War
Mormons had gradually migrated from New York to northwestern Missouri since 1831, mainly settling in Jackson County, where tensions with non-Mormon residents led to
episodes of violence. Evicted from Jackson County in 1833 they resettled in nearby counties, where tensions grew again and attempts to evict them resumed. On August 6, 1838, the war began following a brawl at an election in Gallatin, resulting in increased violence between Mormons and non-Mormons.

The Ohio, Missouri, and Nauvoo Periods, 1831-1844
Milton V. Backman, PhD & Ronald K. Esplin
In October 1830 four LDS missionaries on their way to preach to the Indians west of Missouri introduced the restored gospel to the communities of northeastern Ohio. Before they resumed their journey, the missionaries baptized approximately 130 converts, organized the new members into small “branches,” and appointed leaders over each group.

The Rise of Freedom in America
Milton V. Backman, PhD
Throughout the history of the Restoration movement, LDS leaders have emphasized that one of the great motifs which runs through the history of this nation is that God governs in the affairs of men. Many recognize that this divine influence is evident in the rise of freedom in America and that this freedom was one of the significant preliminaries to the Restoration.

The July 4, 1838, Oration in Far West, Missouri
Sidney Rigdon
Brief background from BYU Studies.
Detailed information from Appendix 3 of the Joseph Smith Papers. Transcript begins on page 7.
Be a Berean !!!

The Rupp Letter
Joseph Smith
Letter written by Joseph Smith from Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, to Israel Daniel Rupp of Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on June 5, 1844. Smith presents his version of the history of Mormonism and the various persecutions he and the Mormon people have suffered at the hands of their enemies.

Zion’s Camp: A Study in Obedience, Then and Now
David F. Boone
The first Mormons to arrive in Independence, Missouri, were the missionaries to the Lamanites, arriving probably in late January 1831. In July 1831 the Lord identified Independence as the center place of Zion. [Sperry Symposium Classics: The Doctrine and Covenants.]

Mormons in America: Certain in Their Beliefs, Uncertain of Their Place in Society
Pew Research Center
2011 National Survey of Mormons

Mormon Denominations
This is a jpeg file of the timeline of the many Mormon groups that trace their lineage back to 1930 when Joseph Smith first founded what was originally called the Church of Christ.