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The Pentecostal Phenomenon

The Pentecostalization of Global Christianity and the Challenge for Cessationsim

Jeffrey R. Straub

Are Pentecostals evangelicals? No doubt many are. But clearly many Pentecostals are heretics. Scholarly essay!

History of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements

Sam Storms, PhD

Post-Reformation and Contemporary Developments in the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements

The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement

Vinson Synan, PhD

The Pentecostal movement is by far the largest and most
important religious movement to originate in the United
States. Synan is sympathetic, so be a Berean!

Counterfeit Miracles

Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield

Excellent online 314-page book containing the Thomas Smyth Lectures for 1917-1918 at Columbia Theological Seminary.

Drunk in the Spirit?

Author Unknown

The alleged revival which is occurring in various charismatic circles today is characterized by strange unscriptural phenomena such as uncontrollable laughter, slaying
in the spirit, shrieking, uncontrollable jerking, and Spiritual Inebriation. A father of this movement, Rodney Howard-Browne, calls himself the “Holy Spirit bartender.”

Tongues-Speech: A Patristic Analysis

Harold Hunter

The purpose of this article is to present selected historical data relevant to the possible presence of tongues-speech in the era immediately following the apostles. 

Author is sympathetic. Be a Berean!



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