Wolves Among the Sheep

False Teachers are Like Spiders
Jim Elliff
Just outside my window and clinging to the corner of that window is a spider’s web. Light from the inside draws unsuspecting bugs to the window pane. The spider takes advantage of the light to deceive them into his web. The spider isn’t effective without being close to the light. False teachers do exactly the same thing the spider does.

Seven Marks of a False Teacher
Tim Challies
No one enriches hell more than false teachers. No one finds greater joy in drawing people away from truth and leading them into error. False teachers have been present in every era of human history, they have always been a plague and have always been in the business of providing counterfeit truth.
While their circumstances may change, their methods remain consistent.

Seven Characters of False Teachers
Thomas Brooks
Puritan Thomas Brooks wrote, “Beware of false prophets, for they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves,” (Matthew 7:15). These lick and suck the blood of souls: “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision” (Philippians 3:2). These kiss and kill; these cry, Peace, peace, till souls fall into everlasting flames.
Note: Thomas Brooks wrote this in the 17th Century!

The Hidden Cancer in Our Churches
Michael Reeves, PhD
What is the most urgent need of the church today? Better leadership? Better training? Healthier giving? Orthodoxy? Moral integrity? Each of these are undoubtedly needs, but underneath them all lies something even more vital: gospel integrity.

How to Identify a False Teacher
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Three excellent articles written by Dr. Robb Brunansky, pastor of Desert Hills Bible Church in Glendale, Arizona.
Brief, succinct, and very highly recommended!

Charles Grandison Finney
Various Authors
It is ironic that Charles Grandison Finney has become a poster boy for so many modern evangelicals. His theology was far from evangelical. As a Christian leader, he was hardly the model of humility or spirituality. Even Finney’s autobiography paints a questionable character. In his own retelling of his life’s story, Finney comes across as stubborn, arrogant—and sometimes even a bit devious.

Andy Stanley
Various Authors
Andy Stanley has joined the ranks of the False Prophets. Here are 25 essays and videos that document his ongoing departure from historic Biblical Christianity.
Andy Stanley is truly “The Great Disappointment!”

Rick Warren
Various Authors
Saddleback Church was founded in the 1980s by the influential pastor and author Rick Warren. In 2021, it stirred controversy after Warren ordained three women as pastors, in contradiction of the denomination’s statement of beliefs.
Latest updates to this ongoing controversy and its continuing impact upon the Southern Baptist Convention.

Steven Furtick: Elevation Church
Various Authors
“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” (Romans 16:17 ESV)
Excellent resources!
Contains several videos, articles and links to other websites. Be sure to view all links within articles for documentation!

Brian Houston: Hillsong Church
Various Authors
“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” (Romans 16:17 ESV)
Excellent resources!
Contains several videos, articles and links to other websites. Be sure to view all links within articles for documentation!

Bill Johnson: Bethel Church
Various Authors
“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” (Romans 16:17 ESV)
Excellent resources!
Contains several videos, articles and links to other websites. Be sure to view all links within articles for documentation!

The Trifecta of Theologically Terrible Tunes
Vatious Authors
Why Bethel, Elevation, and Hillsong Music is detrimental to the spiritual life of your church family! Doctrinal reasons why you should never sing their music!