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The Sacred Texts of Mormonism

Many Mormon sources were consulted in the preparation of Millions of Mormons Can’t Be Wrong, Or Can They? Some are totally sympathetic to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while others — notably LDS scholars — have serious questions about Mormon history and doctrine.

Therefore: Be a Berean!

Moroni and the Golden Plates

Dennis A. Wright, DMin

In 1820, Joseph Smith had his First Vision in which he claimed that he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. A few years later he said that he was visited by an angel who identified himself as Moroni and told him of an ancient record. Joseph was shown the location of the gold plates in this vision.

A Biblical Scholar Looks at the Book of Mormon

Robert M. Bowman, PhD

According to Hugh Nibley, “The Book of Mormon can and should be tested.” Many of the best tools for testing the Book of Mormon are methods used routinely in biblical scholarship.

The Solomon Spalding Theory

Jerald & Sandra Tanner

Most critical scholars view Joseph Smith as the
author, after liberally plagiarizing other works such as the Bible and from an unpublished 1812 novel
written by a retired minister, Solomon Spalding (or
Spaulding), who died in 1816 in Ohio.

Book of Mormon: Book of Lies

Meredith & Kendal Sheets

An online book.

Well written and documented presentation!

Did Joseph Smith Use the Seer Stone…or Didn’t He?

Eric Johnson

For many years, many Mormons have denied that Joseph Smith used a “seer stone” to translate the Book of Mormon.  What does the historical account reveal?

Mormon Church Releases Photos of “Seer Stone” Used by Founder Joseph Smith

Peggy Fletcher Stack

The LDS Church provided photos of the “seer stone” used by Joseph Smith to produce the Book of Mormon

Problems with the Gold Plates of the Book of Mormon

Bill McKeever

As with much of LDS history, Smith’s retrieval of the gold plates is a story of incredible drama. Several LDS historians and Church manuals have repeated the story given by Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of the Mormon prophet.

Facts On The Book of Mormon Witnesses

Joel B. Groat

This paper examines the culture, credibility and relevance of the testimony of the eleven men the LDS Church presents as witnesses to the Book of Mormon. 

The Three Witnesses

Historical Photograph

Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris.

Did the Eleven Witnesses Actually See the Gold Plates?

Bill McKeever

Joseph Smith carefully chose eleven men who believed in his divine calling to become “eyewitnesses” to this grand event. Their “testimonies” are found in the front of every modern edition of the Book of Mormon.

The Three Witnesses


The Three Witnesses is the collective name for three men connected with the early Latter Day Saint movement who stated that an angel had shown them the golden plates from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon; they also stated that they had heard God’s voice, informing them that the book had been translated by divine power.

Did the Book of Mormon Witnesses Really See What They Claimed?


Typical gaslighting from the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies. Be a Berean!

Evaluating the Book of Mormon Witnesses

Stephen C. Harper

The testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses printed in each copy of the Book of Mormon are some of the most compelling evidence in favor of its miraculous revelation and translation. Here we have depositions by eleven men of the gold plates’ existence and by three of an angelic visitation.

Sidney Rigdon: Creating the Book of Mormon

Craig Criddle

Presents the case for the Spalding-Rigdon Theory for the creation of the Book of Mormon.

Performing Revelation: Joseph Smith and the Creation of the Book of Mormon

William Davis, PhD

This is his 275-page Doctor of Philosophy dissertation for UCLA (2016). This is well written with an interesting perspective. 

Joseph Smith and the Restitution of All Things

Milton V. Backman, PhD

Shortly after Joseph Smith submitted portions of the printer’s copy of the manuscript of the Book of Mormon to Egbert B. Grandin for publication, newspapers in Ohio and New York printed a series of articles with an explanation of Mormonism that excluded divine intervention.

Summary of Approved Adjustments for the 2013 Edition of the Scriptures

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

In the process of preparing new printing masters, the Church has taken the opportunity to make adjustments and updates and to implement new historical findings from the Joseph Smith Papers

Joseph Smith Among the Egyptians

Wesley P. Walters

An Examination of the Source of Joseph Smith’s Book of Abraham in The Pearl of Great Price.

By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri

Charles M. Larson

Links to the Institute for Religious Research website (8 parts). Very Highly Recommended!

The Book of Abraham and the Bible

Robert M. Bowman, PhD

It is well known and beyond reasonable dispute that the Book of Abraham is not in any meaningful sense a translation of any of the extant fragments of the Joseph Smith Papyri. 

The Book of Abraham

Ed Decker

The Book of Abraham is found in the LDS book of “scripture,” The Pearl of Great Price, and is one of the standard works of the Mormon church.

The Perils of the Pearl

Latayne C. Scott, PhD

For a Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price is quoted less than other LDS scripture, and has few exciting stories in it to compare with the adventures of Nephi or Alma in the Book of Mormon.

The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham

Edward H. Ashment

A response to John Gee’s attempt to establish the historicity of the Book of Abraham with ancient Egpytian documents.

Book of Abraham Facsimile 1


Translated correctly? 

Joseph Smith’s Interpretation vs Modern Egyptological Interpretation.

Book of Abraham Facsimile 2


Translated correctly? 

Joseph Smith’s Interpretation vs Modern Egyptological Interpretation.

Book of Abraham Facsimile 3


Translated correctly? 

Joseph Smith’s Interpretation vs Modern Egyptological Interpretation.

The Book of Abraham Facsimiles

The Cross Unveiled

Of all the issues with Mormonism and Joseph Smith’s claim to be a prophet, the Book of Abraham is one of the biggest and most verifiable issues facing the LDS church today.

Teaching the Book of Abraham Facsimiles

Michael D. Rhodes

One of the most difficult aspects of teaching the book of Abraham is dealing with the three facsimiles found there. Critics of the Church have raised numerous questions about them and the associated papyri, and students often ask about these criticisms. In this article, I will pass on my own experience gained while teaching about the facsimiles and the Pearl of Great Price at Brigham Young University.

Translation and Historicity of the Book ofAbraham

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Official Declaration

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints embraces the book of Abraham as scripture.

Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham—A Response

Robert K. Ritner

The LDS church posting suggests discomfort with its own conclusions and reasoning. 



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