Noah and The Great Flood

Was there really a Noah’s Ark and Flood?

Ken Ham

The account of Noah and the Ark is one of the most widely known events in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, like other Bible accounts, it is often taken as a mere fairy tale.

A New Flood Chronology Based on Seven-Day Creation Cycles

Warren H. Johns

This study begins by linking Flood chronology with Creation chronology, which simply has a sequence of seven literal days ending with a sabbath day. Somewhat technical.

Genesis and Catastrophe: the Flood as the Major Biblical Cataclysm

McIntosh, Edmondson & Taylor

The Genesis Flood should be regarded as the main mechanism for laying down the fossil record. Excellent article published in the Creation ex nihilo Technical Journal (14)1, 2000.

Genesis and Catastrophe: The Flood as the Major Biblical Cataclysm

McIntosh, Edmondson, Taylor

The Genesis Flood should be regarded as the main mechanism for laying down the fossil record. Sedimentary deposits of a continental scale can only have been deposited by the Flood, because of the huge global effect of Flood hydrodynamics.

The Biblical Flood Account in Light of Archeology, Geology and Ancient Near East Flood Traditions

Joseph Sneed

A research paper presented to Dr. S. Lewis Johnson at DTS.



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