
What is Biblical Hermeneutics and Why Does it Matter?
Dennis A. Wright, D.Min.
Paul boasted that he did not adulterate the Scriptures. A proper hermeneutical approach will enable us to say the same.

Hermeneutics may be defined briefly as the theory of interpretation. Biblical hermeneutics is a specific area which concerns the interpretation, understanding, and appropriation of biblical texts.

The History of Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics explores how we read, understand, and interpret texts, especially biblical texts, or those written in a different time, culture, or context from our own. It includes understanding, reading, and application.

What Should We Hope to Gain from a Study of Hermeneutics?
What might we expect from a serious study of hermeneutics? Frequently I have asked my classes (from B.A. to Ph.D.) what they have gained, if anything at all, from this subject.

Five Views on Hermeneutics
Interpreting the Bible has a long history and vast complexity. Even scholars struggle to differentiate between the meaning of terms like biblical exegesis, interpretation and hermeneutics.

The Principles of Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation. Exegesis consists of the actual interpretation of the Bible, the bringing out of its meaning, whereas hermeneutics establishes the principles by which exegesis is practiced.

Biblical Interpretation
John M. Frame, D.D.
Interpretation is the attempt to help readers and hearers of Scripture understand and apply the biblical text.

The Interpretation of Scripture
John M. Frame, D.D.
Once we receive the Bible, it is our task to understand it, and to do that we must interpret it correctly.

The Basis of the Premillennial Faith in Hermeneutics
If it is to be shown that premillennialism is a Biblical doctrine, there must first be laid a foundation in a right understanding of hermeneutics, so that a proper exegesis may be built thereupon.

Reading the Word of God in the Presence of God
Vern S. Poythress
A Handbook for Biblical Interpretation. Excellent! 466 pages.

Exegetical Bible Study Methods
Introductory seminary level methods on how to exegete the Bible for researching and developing original sermons, preparing more insightful Bible studies, research papers and commentaries.

7 Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Wayne McDill, Ph.D.
The interpreter needs to have a working knowledge of basic principles of interpretation.

What is Biblical Hermeneutics and is It Still Important Today?
As the methods of study of an ancient, inspired text written over the span of 1,500 years in multiple languages by dozens of authors from three continents, biblical hermeneutics is understandably a difficult topic.

Defining Biblical Hermeneutics
Ellen White, Ph.D.
How Biblical interpretations, or hermeneutics of the Bible, affect the way we read the scriptures.

Hermeneutics: Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Another perspective on Biblical Hermeneutics

The Critical Study of Biblical Literature: Exegesis and Hermeneutics
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Great study of Exegesis and Hermeneutics

Interpreting the Bible: An Overview of Hermeneutics
Scholarly, very detailed, 435 page study–which can be intimidating. Much does not apply to Biblical Hermeneutics, but interesting nonetheless.
Be a Berean!

Hermeneutics Resources
These 715 links are to web pages, PDF files, MP3 audio files and MP4 video files that discuss Hermeneutics and a few other related subjects.
Nevertheless: Be A Berean!