Cessationism versus Continuationism

The Cessation of the Charismata
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
“When our Lord came down to earth He drew heaven with Him. The signs which accompanied His ministry were but the trailing clouds of glory which He brought from heaven, which is His home.” — Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield

The Miraculous Gifts and the Question of Cessationism
The miraculous gifts of the Spirit served the purpose of validating the message about Jesus during the early days of the church, but now that the apostolic foundation is laid and the canon of scriptural revelation is complete, these have ceased.

A Case for Cessationism
Tom Pennington, PhD, DD
Preached on October 17, 2013, during the Strange Fire Conference at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.
Very Highly Recommended!

Why I Am Not Continuationist
Tim Challies
Continuationism is the belief that the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit taught in the Bible—such as prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, healings, and miracles—have not ceased and are available for the believer today.

Why Don’t We See Miracles Like the Apostles Did?
Justin Holcomb, PhD
Many contemporary Christians feel disconnected from the vibrant, Spirit-filled ministries of the prophets and apostles described in the Bible. In the OT, God took the people of Israel through miraculous event after miraculous event.

When Did the Gift of Tongues Cease?
Dennis Kiszonas
No one was more charismatic than Paul, yet the Lord revealed to him that those sign gifts were going to cease: “As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.” (1 Corinthians 13:8).

The Reformation’s Lack of Miracles
A Response by John Calvin
One of the Catholic criticisms of the Reformation is that it lacks accompaniment of miracles, and concludes that since there is an absence of Miracles, then the Reformation is not apostolic. Calvin’s response is devastation!

What Are the Arguments from the New Testament That the Sign Gifts Have Ceased?
Don Stewart
Those who argue for the cessation of the sign gifts at the end of the first century appeal to the evidence of the New Testament writers to back up their claim.

Miracles Have Ceased
Apologetics Press Staff
Many people today believe that God is still working miracles like He did in the first century. Many people say that they can speak in tongues or heal the sick, or that they know people who can. But the Bible does not teach this idea.

What Cessationism Is Not
Nathan Busenitz
Nathan Busenitz presents four clarifications about what cessationism is not.
Very Highly Recommended!

Continuationism and Cessationism: An Interview with Dr. Wayne Grudem, Part 1
Tim Challies

Continuationism and Cessationism: An Interview with Dr. Wayne Grudem, Part 2
Tim Challies

The Puritans, Strange Fire, Cessationism, and the Westminster Confession
Kevin DeYoung, PhD
In the first section of the first chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith we find reference to cessationism.

Cessationism Again
Phil Johnson
The utter absence of any credible biblical-quality
miracles is one of the reasons I’m not inclined to reconsider my cessationist stance every time charismatics claim we’re seeing a new wave of Spirit-gifts. Phenomena such as holy laughter, tricks with gold dust, and “prophets” whose prognostications are less than one-third accurate don’t impress me.

Are the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit for Today
Got Questions
It is important to recognize that this is not a question of whether God still performs miracles today. It would be foolish and unbiblical to claim God does not heal people, speak to people, and perform miraculous signs and wonders today.

What is Continuationism? What is a Continuationist?
Got Questions
Continuationism is the belief that all the spiritual gifts, including healings, tongues, and miracles, are still in operation today, just as they were in the days of the early church.