The New Atheism

The New Atheism?
R. Albert Mohler, PhD
2006 was a big year for atheism. The release of several major books—all widely touted in the media—has put atheism on the front lines of current cultural conversation. Books such as Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, Daniel Dennett’s Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, and Sam Harris’ Letter to a Christian Nation are selling by the thousands and prompting hours of conversation on college campuses and in the media.

The New Atheism
Carl R. Trueman, PhD
In recent months, atheism has become big news, and has also demonstrated its tremendous market potential. Books by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris have proved very popular; Dawkins and Harris, at least, have proved to be best sellers. I have lost count of the number of times I have seen people sitting on the train or on a bench reading one of their works.

Western Humanism and the New Atheism
Robert M. Bowman & Kenneth D. Boa
By far the most direct and radical challenge to the Christian faith is to deny the existence of any God. In the twentieth century the atheistic worldview that rejects all beliefs in supernatural or transcendent beings achieved influence far greater than at any time previously in the West

What’s ‘New’ about the New Atheism?
Alister McGrath, PhD
At first sight the New Atheism might seem little more than a movement demanding equal rights and responsibilities for atheists, like the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s or the more recent movement for gay rights. But journalist Gary Wolf, though clearly sympathetic to the agenda of the New Atheism, points out that the analogy with such pressure groups is seriously flawed.

An Evaluation of Atheism
Norman Geisler, PhD
There are two major areas in which atheists have made significant contributions toward building an adequate world view. First, they have helped to eliminate some contradictory concepts of God. Second, they have provided a corrective for some misconceptions of God and his relation to the world.

Matt Slick
Atheism is a lack of belief or a denial of the existence of any god. It is a growing movement that is becoming more aggressive, more demanding, and less tolerant of anything other than itself. Is atheism a sound philosophical system as a worldview or is it ultimately self-defeating? Learn how to deal with the arguments raised against the existence of God that seek to replace Him with naturalism, materialism, and moral relativism. Excellent Resources found here!!!

The Dawkins Delusion
Jonathan Luxmoore
Dawkins made news with a new book, The God Delusion, dismissing all religious faith as “insanity.” Arguing that “natural selection and other scientific theories are superior to a God hypothesis in explaining the living world,” Dawkins says he wrote the book as a “consciousness-raising exercise,” in the hope that “religious believers who open it will be atheists when they put it down.” Toward this end, The God Delusion concludes with an international list of “friendly addresses for individuals needing support in escaping from religion.”

Not Believing is the Second Biggest “Belief” in the U.S.
Jonny Thomson
There are different types of atheism and atheists. In general, they can be classified as the non-religious, the non-believers, and agnostics.

The Godless Crusade of the New Atheism
Gary E. Gilley, ThD
There is much buzz lately about the so-called “New Atheism.” This seems to be an odd term given the fact that there are not very many ways that a person can spin atheism. Old Atheism denied the existence of God and New Atheism does the same.

Atheism: An Irrational Worldview
Jason Lisle, PhD
Professor Richard Dawkins (Britain’s leading atheist) is encouraging those who share his views to express their opinion. Author of The God Delusion, Dawkins says he wants to “free children from being indoctrinated with the religion of their parents or their community.” Will Christians be prepared to “give an answer” to the atheists’ claims?

The Challenge of Atheism: Lessons for Christians
Anthony C. Thiselton, PhD
From the ancient world up until the post-Reformation era, belief in God or the gods was deemed to be relatively “normal.” Explicit atheism was largely an exception. Admittedly, Democritus (mid-fifth to fourth century bc) appeared to teach an implied atheism as a part of his theory of atoms.

A Long Way East of Eden
Pete Lowman
A Long Way East of Eden: Could God explain the mess we’re in? examines the significance of the ‘God-question’ and the impact of atheism – the loss of God in a culture.
Eight Part Series

50 Quotes from Former Atheists
James Bishop, PhD
These quotes come from thinkers and commentators who were atheists before accepting a Christian worldview. The purpose of these quotes is to facilitate discussion between those holding to Christian and atheist worldviews.
The quotes certainly make reference to points being discussed and contested in the atheist-Christian debate.

Resources on the New Atheism
Various Authors
Presented here are 295 excellent resources on the New Atheism. This truly massive collection is in various formats, including PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 video files, and web pages and can be downloaded to your computer for further research and study. Enjoy!
Designed to assist the serious researcher!