Southern Baptist Controversies

Controversies in a Changing World
Chute, Finn & Haykin
Following World War II, Baptists in the English-speaking world became embroiled in several controversies. This paper particularly looks at those surrounding Southern Baptists.

Mr. Smith Goes to the Convention
Megan Basham
In May of 2022, Mike Law, pastor of Arlington Baptist Church in Virginia, sent an email to the executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. As the only full-time staff member of a church of about 100, he had never had any interaction with his national leadership before, so he began with a chipper greeting introducing himself and his congregation, followed by a straightforward question: Is a church that has a woman serving as pastor deemed to be in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention? … He finished by thanking the committee for its service and said he looked forward to their answer.
He would never get one.

Saddleback Church Removed from the Southern Baptist Convention
Colin Miller
Video from Fight For Truth exposing the doctrinal controversy surrounding Rick Warren and Saddleback Church.

Rick Warren’s Four Fallacies of Faithless Fraternity
Tom Nettles, PhD
The New Testament often sets forth “the faith” as central to the apostolic mission, the pastor’s task, the Christian’s grasp of truth that is saving and sanctifying, and the true test of unity in the Christian profession.

What Can the Righteous Do?: Some Thoughts on the Sufficiency of Scripture and the SBC
Allen S. Nelson IV
“What shall we do when the Bible is undermined and its teaching disregarded – when even churchmen seem to support the rising tide of secularism?”