The Horrors of the Homosexual Agenda

What Did Jesus Teach about Homosexuality?
Denny Burk, PhD
The article was occasioned by a story about a gay teenager in Ohio who was suing his high school after school officials prohibited him from wearing a T-shirt that said, “Jesus Is Not a Homophobe.”

What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?
Kevin DeYoung, PhD
“Solid exegesis and tight writing make this book stand out. Kevin DeYoung concisely explains the key biblical passages and clearly responds to the key objections.” (Marvin Olasky)
Highly Recommended!

From Silence to Complexification to Capitulation
Kevin DeYoung, PhD
When it comes to LGBTQ issues, there is no middle ground: “Neutrality is not an option. Neither is polite half-acceptance. Nor is avoiding the subject. Hide as you might, the issue will come and find you.”

What The Bible Teaches On Homosexuality
John MacArthur
Links to MP4 video, MP3 audio, and PDF manuscript.

Thinking Biblically About Homosexuality
John MacArthur
Links to MP4 video, MP3 audio, and PDF manuscript.

Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality
John MacArthur
Links to MP4 video, MP3 audio, and PDF manuscript.

A New Testament Perspective on Homosexuality
Thomas R. Schreiner, PhD
A New Testament perspective on homosexuality is anchored in the Old Testament and Jewish tradition. The indispensable framework for interpreting the NT teaching on homosexuality is Genesis 1–2, the creation narrative. We read in Genesis 1:26–27 that God made man in his own image, but the image of God is reflected in two distinct genders, male and female.

A Biblical Response to the 'Transing' of America
Gary Hamrick
Pastor Gary Hamrick gives a Biblical response to the cultural chaos and the corporate controversy that has overtaken our country with gender confusion, sexual perversion, and a “woke” agenda. Excellent video presentation!

Judgment on a Reprobate Society
John MacArthur
The world has been pretty subtle and little by little has infiltrated the church of Jesus Christ.

How I Wish the Homosexuality Debate Would Go
Trevin Wax
Just once, I’d like to see a TV interview go more like this!

Gregg Matte
As Pastor Gregg Matte (First Baptist Church of Houston) leads us through Paul’s letter to the Romans, we look at a topic Paul addressed, too — homosexuality.

The Old Testament Attitude to Homosexuality
Gordon J. Wenham, PhD
The Old Testament rejection of all kinds of homosexual practice is apparently unique in the ancient world. Most of the ancient Near East adopted an attitude to homosexuality very similar to that of classical Greece and Rome which simply accepted it as long as it was done among consenting adults.

Homosexuality and the Bible: Twisting the Truth
R. Albert Mohler, PhD
Biblical Christianity represents the greatest obstacle to the normalization of homosexuality. The reason for this is quite simple–the Bible emphatically condemns all forms of homosexual behavior. If homosexual advocates are to succeed, they must either marginalize or neutralize the Bible as an authority.

Homosexual “Marriage”: A Tragic Oxymoron — Biblical and Cultural Reflections
R. Albert Mohler, PhD
Links to full manuscript and audio file. From the Desiring God 2004 National Conference.

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
John Piper
Sexuality is God’s idea, and we should learn what it is (and is not) from him. He created us in his image as male and female, and marriage for our good, individually and collectively. Homosexuality is not the worst of all sins, but part of a brokenness we all share. Video presentation.

Sex and the Supremacy of Christ
John Piper & Justin Taylor
The Desiring God National Conference (2004), entitled Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, wanted to approach the topic with frankness and reverence, with the supremacy of Christ as both our foundation and our aim. What do sex and the supremacy of Christ have to do with each other, and what implications should this have for our everyday lives. Recommended!

Almost Everything the Media Tell You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity is Wrong
Ryan T. Anderson, PhD

A Pastoral Response to Gender Confusion: Caring for Those Caught in the LGBTQ Religion
Jesse Johnson

A Pastor’s Response to “Will I be Fully Accepted at Your Church as a Gay Man?”
David E. Prince, PhD
A great response to a question, “I am a gay man. My question is, would I be fully accepted with no judgment and fully welcome and able to serve at your Church?”

God’s Plan for the Gay Agenda
John F. MacArthur
If you’ve been watching the headlines over the last couple years, you may have noticed the incredible surge of interest in affirming homosexuality. Whether it’s at the heart of a religious scandal, political corruption, radical legislation, or the redefinition of marriage, homosexual interests have come to characterize America. That’s an indication of the success of the gay agenda.
And some Christians, including some national church leaders, have wavered on the issue even recently. But sadly, when people refuse to acknowledge the sinfulness of homosexuality—calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20)—they do so at the expense of many souls.

Disagreement Equals Hate?
Thaddeus J. Williams, PhD
C.S. Lewis once said, “The most dangerous ideas of any society are not the ones that are argued, but the ones that are assumed.” One particular assumption is sweeping the nation right now, shaping the thinking in both pulpits and pews throughout the United States. It is the assumption that disagreement equals bigotry, phobia, or hate.

The Grapes of Sodom and the Clusters of Gomorrah
O. Palmer Robertson
Interesting 36-page presentation.

Resources on The Horrors of the Homosexual Agenda
Various Authors
Presented here are 414 excellent resources on The Horrors of the Homosexual Agenda. This truly massive collection is in various formats, including PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 video files, and web pages and can be downloaded to your computer for further research and study.

Report: 40% of Brown University Students Identify as LGBTQQIAAP2S+
Simon Kent
Brown University is the one Ivy League university that was founded and endowed by Baptists. How very sad!!!
This is posted from a secular source. Be a Berean!