The Christian Worldview Defended
Worldviews in Collision
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What is a Biblical Worldview and Why is it Important?
Jeff Myers
Produced by Summit Ministries. The link below will take you to a page where you can sign up to view these videos, download discussion guides and access additional information. This presentation is absolutely free and is very highly recommended by Lion and Lamb Apologetics!

An Introduction to Christian Belief: A Layman’s Guide
Greg Herrick, PhD
Systematic theology, though having fallen on hard times in both the evangelical church and in the academy, is now making a comeback. It should, for it is both possible and necessary.

The Autumn of the Church’s Influence on Culture
Michael Keller, PhD
To be salt and light in the culture we live in Christians must take the responsibility of developing a humble and thoughtful posture of Christ’s love to bear on societal issues. But how?

“Out of Small Beginnings”
Rebecca Mansour
If you want to undo a nation, you start by falsifying its history until no one remembers anything but the “endless present.” Thus, every Thanksgiving it seems like fewer Americans know the true history of this national holiday commemorating our nation’s founding myth. Few even understand the concept of a founding myth. Very Highly Recommended!

What the Early Church Can Teach Us about Living in This Strange New World
Carl R. Trueman, PhD

“Time Has Arrived” to Legalize Polygamy, Writes New York Judge
Tony Perkins
An astonishing 23% of the American public thinks polygamy is “morally acceptable” in 2022.

The Case for Traditional Marriage
Jennifer Patterson
Over the course of decades, widespread divorce, cohabitation, and unwed childbearing changed how people thought about marriage. The purpose of marriage grew less clear as the logic of permanence and the link to childbearing loosened and the historic norms of marriage began to appear like outdated traditions or antiquated religious ideals that were fading away.

Stoicism is Good, but It Isn’t the Gospel
John J. Bombaro, PhD
Stoicism’s opening premise fails to understand that, from its conception, the heart is a thorny bramble.

Americans Often Hear about “Religious Extremism,” but Rarely about “Extreme Secularism,” Says Dennis Prager
Gillian Richards
Americans often hear about “religious extremism,” but rarely hear about “extreme secularism,” stated Dennis Prager.

A Nation of Biblical Illiterates
Thaddeus J. Williams, PhD
The Cultural Research Center of Arizona Christian University has released its American Worldview Inventory 2022. The results are disconcerting, to put it mildly. Two-thirds of parents of pre-teens in America identify as “Christian,” yet only 2 percent meet a minimal criterion of possessing a Biblical worldview.

Remembering our Biblical Heritage
Various Authors
Great articles from great theologians and pastors!

The Martyrs for The Faith
Various Authors
Down through the Centuries godly Christians have died because they affirmed and taught the Historic Christian Faith and held a Biblical Worldview. Here are some of their stories.

Godly, Courageous Leadership: The Need of the Hour
Tom Ascol, PhD
No organization will be healthier than its leadership. That is true in business, politics, sports, and education. It is also true in churches, Christian networks, and denominations.

Horrors of the Homosexual Agenda
Various Authors
Extensive articles, MP4 video files, MP3 audio files, and online books which examine all aspects of this topic.
Recommended for the serious student!

The Christian’s Responsibility in a Pagan Society, Part 1
John F. MacArthur
America is a pagan society. I think all of us have come to the place, reluctantly, where we can see that that is in fact true.

The Christian’s Responsibility in a Pagan Society, Part 2
John F. MacArthur
America is a pagan society. I think all of us have come to the place, reluctantly, where we can see that that is in fact true.

What Does the Bible Say About Women Preachers?
Various Authors
Great research articles by conservative scholars on what the Bible teaches about the role of women in the church and whether or not they can serve as Pastors.
Also contains links to more research on this topic presented in various formats, including PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 video files, and web pages and can be downloaded to your computer for further research and study.

Southern Baptist Controversies
Various Authors
Following World War II, Baptists in the English-speaking world became embroiled in several sometimes heated controversies. These papers and videos examine the various controversies surrounding Southern Baptists, both historically and present day.

The New Atheism
Various Authors
Atheism is a lack of belief or a denial of the existence of any god. It is a growing movement that is becoming more aggressive, more demanding, and less tolerant of anything other than itself. Is atheism a sound philosophical system as a worldview or is it ultimately self-defeating? Learn how to deal with the arguments raised against the existence of God that seek to replace Him with naturalism, materialism, and moral relativism.

Myths that the World Teaches
Various Authors
Excellent resources from Crossway on 47 myths that Christians are being taught that are simply not true!

The Transgender Movement
Various Authors
Compelling scientific research and Biblical truth refuting the modern horror story that is Transgenderism. Presents numerous essays, research manuscripts, and videos that provide a clear refutation to this modern phenomenon.

5 Lies Our Culture is Telling Us
Rosaria Butterfield, PhD
When the whole world seems to have gone mad, we need to cling to Christ with courage, read and memorize our Bible with fervency, be active members of a faithful Bible-believing church with passion, and sing psalms with joy.

Only One Way
Bruce Ware, PhD
Three positions abound today on the question of whether Christ is the only way to salvation. All three can be detected by how each answers these two fundamental questions: First, is Jesus the only Savior? Second, is faith in Christ necessary to be saved?

The Enneagram: Pagan Mysticism Promoted as Christian Growth
Bob DeWaay
Enneagram is relatively new to evangelicalism but is now becoming popular and can be found in some evangelical colleges and universities. Beware! It’s not what it seems!