The Wright Report Archive

Mark Buchanan
The old theologians put it this way: We take refuge from God in God. The only escape from God’s wrath is God’s mercy. If you cling to his nail house, all God’s wrath falls on the one nailed there. And what rains down on your head? Grace upon grace upon grace.

Phillip Cary
There is genocide in the bible. Scripture both describes the Israelites exterminating the Canaanites in cities like Jericho (Josh. 6:21), and presents this as the command of God. This is what the Israelites are supposed to do when they enter the Promised Land and encounter its inhabitants.

Jesse Johnson, ThM
God is light, which means he reveals. Sin exists in darkness, which means it hides. When God causes things to come to the light, he does so to expose, change, judge, and transform.

Jesse Johnson, ThM
When a pastor falls morally, it has an outsized effect on his congregation. There is an uncommon bond between a pastor and his flock. When that bond is violated, it can have solemn and sorrowful effects on Christian’s lives.

Aaron Earls
Baptist Press report

Jeff Myers, PhD
Posted: August 7, 2024
Excellent article by the President of Summit Ministries!

Joel Beeke, PhD
Posted: July 27, 2024
Arminianism is by far the most popular view of the atonement in the Christian church today. However, serious objections must be lodged against Arminian universal redemption.

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Fair and Balanced Examination!

Nicholas J. Schaser, PhD
Posted: January 16, 2020
With all the current misinformation about the Covid-19 epidemic I am not surprised to learn that there are people who are claiming that these vaccinations are actually the Mark of the Beast that we read about in the Book of Revelation.