The Wretched World of Wokeness

The Wacky World of Wokeness
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
Wokeness seeks to destroy everything that is great about America and aims to remake this nation in a way that upends capitalism, individual freedom, the family, and Judeo-Christian values. The woke movement seeks to replace absolute truth with an ever-changing concept of “truth” that changes with the whims and moods of every individual.

Identity Politics and the Bondage of the Will
Timon Cline, JD
Man’s will is like a beast standing between two riders. If God rides it, it wills and goes where God wills… If Satan rides it, it wills and goes where Satan wills; nor can it choose to run to either of the two riders or to seek him out, but the riders themselves contend for the possession and control of it.

What Does it Mean to Be “Woke” and How Does Church Discipline Apply?
Owen Strachan, PhD
Recently, I gave a series of lectures about “wokeness.” These lectures occasioned many responses on social media. Some responses showed a lack of familiarity with the actual content I delivered, which is always surprising. After all, my talks were not driven by ad hominem name-calling, but rather a real intellectual respect for the proponents of wokeness.

What Wokeness Is Not, and What it Is
Owen Strachan, PhD
In yesterday’s post, I tackled two good questions I’ve gotten in response to my “Christianity & Wokeness” lectures. I addressed 1) what wokeness is and 2) who should be disciplined for teaching wokeness. Today, I want to address a third good question that many are asking: how do I determine what wokeness is not?

Christianity and Wokeness. Is Critical Race Theory Incompatible with the Gospel?
Owen Strachan, PhD
Video presentation at Redeemer Bible Church, Minnetonka
Very Highly Recommended!

Wokeness Invades Southern Baptists
Various Authors
Examines how Wokeness has invaded the Southern Baptist Convention beginning with Resolution 9 passed by the Messengers to the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention. Includes a video produced by The Founders Ministries entitled By What Standard? God’s World…God’s Rules.
Very Highly Recommended!

Wokeness: Old Religion in a New Bottle
Sean Collins
Joseph Bottum on how the decline of Protestant America fuelled the rise of identity politics.

The Spiritual Shape of Political Ideas
Joseph Bottum
The Protestant churches in early America were widely divided on theological and ecclesial issues—and yet they somehow joined to form what Alexis de Tocqueville would call the nation’s “undivided current of manners and morals.” Many of those churches would eventually coalesce into the Protestant mainline, and whose collapse in recent decades remains one of the most astonishing cultural changes in American history.

Woke Theology: A Secular Version of Postmillennialism, Covenantalism, and Theonomy
Larry Ball
Wokism is not merely cultural or political, it is religious, seeking to substitute itself as a new religion for the old Christendom that permeated the western world for centuries.

Hijacking Christianity: Why “Wokeness Is Anti-Gospel”
Katharine Gorka
George Kennan wrote a lengthy description of the mindset of the Soviet leadership to explain their “uncooperative behavior.” What Kennan did for the threat from the Soviet Union, theologian Owen Strachan has now done for the threat of critical race theory, and more broadly, wokeness.

A Woke Church is Doomed to Fail
David Gunnlaugsson
Iceland became a Christian country over a thousand years ago. Yet all too often nowadays, the church in Western societies is silent on the issues that matter. All too often, it fails to offer even a basic defence of Christianity and Western values.

5 Signs Your Church May be Going “Woke”
Monique Duson
I receive many emails from people sharing their encounters with Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their church and asking for help because they are afraid their church is going “woke.”

What is the Critical Race Theory?
Got Questions
CRT is a modern approach to social change, developed from the broader critical theory, which developed out of Marxism.

What is Critical Race Theory?
Samuel Sey
Critical race theory isn’t necessarily a direct reaction to America’s history with slavery and segregation. Instead, it’s a direct reaction to the civil rights movement.

5 Lies of CRT
The Heritage Foundation
Progressives have reacted with outrage, and no small amount of panic, to the swiftness with which the anti-critical race theory movement has gained ideological and political traction.

Why Woke Christianity is the Greatest Threat to Christians Today
Carina Benton
At its core, and under the guise of the pseudo-Christian virtues of progress and tolerance, the “liberal” Christian heresy of anti-Christian, Marxist critical race theory entails the most destructive lie in the history of the church: a rejection of the self-denial and sacrifice demonstrated on the road to Golgotha.

The Black Academic Who Has Thrown an Intellectual Grenade Into the Cult of Wokeness
Tom Leonard
Blistering new book fires a broadside against the excesses of the ‘anti-racism’ drive sweeping through US universities.

Black Liberation Theology and Woke Christianity
Samuel Sey
You probably don’t know its name, but you’re familiar with it. Barack Obama’s pastor preached about it. Chance The Rapper raps about it. Cornel West writes about it. And evangelicals are becoming sympathetic about it. You are familiar with Black Liberation Theology, and you didn’t know it. Superb Essay!

You Don’t Need to be “Woke” to Be Biblical: A Review of Eric Mason’s Woke Church
Alex Kocman
Contrary to Mason’s claims, we do not need to be “woke” to care about suffering and injustice. We need to be biblical!

The Woke Church is More Informed by Leftist Cliches than Gospel Truth
Mike S. Adams
Eric Mason wrote Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice. I consider anyone who recommends it to be lacking in discernment!

Woke Is . . .
Thabiti Anyabwile
A friend asked me, “What do you think about woke church?” This seems like a good question to answer publicly, since there’s so much talk about being “woke” or “wokeness” from both advocates and opponents.

Wokeness and the New Religious Establishment
James M. Patterson
Until the last few years, identity politics — now commonly referred to as “wokeness” — has avoided serious scrutiny as a religious movement. That is now changing!

Church of Woke: The Next American Religion?
Michael Vlahos
What does it mean to be woke? First and foremost, “woke” is a religious signal that you have heard the Good News and Seen the Light. Awakening means both witnessing revealed truth and experiencing spiritual transformation.

The New Religion of the Woke Left is a Faith Without Atonement
Tripp Parker
Much has been made of how the “woke” left’s political program resembles a new religion.
Interesting essay. Be sure to check out the links!

Woke Progressives Turn Their Public Shaming Ritual into a Formal Religious Ceremony
Hans Fiene
If you haven’t been to Hollywood lately, you might be surprised to learn that the hippest new attraction in town isn’t a movie studio or vegan yoga bar. It’s a church!

Tim Keller on Race, Justice, and Other Uncontroversial Stuff
Timothy J. Keller, DMin
Tim Keller, co-founder of The Gospel Coalition, has just completed a series of essays on the Bible’s view of race and justice—and how it compares to the reigning paradigms of our day. Altogether the series totals more than 37,000 words—a book-length treatment.
We at Lion and Lamb Apologetics do not necessarily agree with the positions that Tim Keller presents. However, even if you do not finally agree with all of Keller’s conclusions, you will benefit from carefully reading and reflecting on these rich essays.
Be a Berean!

Is it Time for Fundamentalism Again? A Review of Owen Strachan’s Christianity and Wokeness
Andrea L. Turpin
An excellent, thoughtful review of Christianity and Wokeness!

Christians Should “Destroy Wokeness,” Says Evangelical Theologian During Colorado Lecture
James O'Rourke
O’Rourke is a writer for the Colorado Times Recorder.

7 Traits of the Biblically Woke Person
Joseph Mattera
The purpose of this article is not to disparage any particular group or person who utilizes the term “woke,” but to show the biblical roots and meanings of the term. Thoughtful essay!

5 Reasons Why Woke is Broke
Costi Hinn
Wokeness is not surprising. It is normal behavior for a world filled with sin. But when believers begin to cave to the culture and blow over in the wind of deviant doctrine, that can be surprising — mostly, disturbing.

How Should a Christian View being “Woke”?
Got Questions
Woke is a fairly modern term that has come to mean “conscious of injustice in society.”

The First People to Deconstruct Their Faith
Samuel Sey
The first people to deconstruct their faith were not young people in America—they weren’t people dissatisfied with American Christianity. The first people to deconstruct their faith were people in the Garden of Eden—they were people dissatisfied with God.

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Social Justice
Joe Carter
What is social justice? Should Christians advocate for social justice? Is it even a term that Christians should use?

What is a Biblical View of Social Action?
Got Questions
In recent years Christians have stepped more boldly into the social arena and made their voices heard.

Woke War: How Social Justice and CRT became Heresy for Evangelicals
Bob Smietana
The political ‘woke war’ has spilled over into churches — a trend that will likely continue.

The “Great Awokening” is Transforming Science and Medicine
Jarrett Stepman
The “great awokening” touches every elite institution in America, mostly radiating out from our compromised system of higher education. One of the most disturbing and illuminating aspects of this cultural revolution is how much it is transforming science and medicine. Highly recommended!

How Should Christians Respond to Cancel Culture?
Got Questions
Cancel culture is the modern social attitude that controversial speech or behavior must be punished through public shaming.

Why The ‘He Gets Us’ Super Bowl Commercial Fumbled
Grayson Gilbert
The image of the very Son of God washing the feet of His disciples has remained as such a powerful reminder of Christ’s humility and love. And yet, this same image adopted by the He Gets Us campaign that recently aired during the Super Bowl, for all intents and purposes, has caused no shortage of outcry. What should be a relatively simple message to convey has become a point of controversy—not in the broader public.

Recommended Resources on Wokeness
Various Authors
Presented here are 33 additional resources that are available online on Wokeness. Included are web pages, mp3 audio files and mp4 video files. Highly recommended!