1 Chronicles 12:32
Understanding The Times
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Cancel Culture - A Political Prophecy
Dr. David Jeremiah
We live in a culture that accepts almost any behavior, yet the slightest misstep could be the cause of our ruin. Dr. David Jeremiah surveys prophesies about the rise of this type of brokenness.

The Wretched World of Wokeness
Various Authors
What is “Wokeness” and where did it come from? Should Christians get involved in this movement? Is it even Biblical? Ken Ham says, “Woke teaching, Critical Race Theory, and intersectionality should not be in the toolchest of a Christian.” Wokeness is a significant danger and a threat to Christianity and Western Civilization!

Leftwing Lunacy
Various Authors
Excellent resources that document how Christianity and Western Civilization is being destroyed by the policies and the political shenanigans of the Liberal Left and their cronies.

When Government Rewards Evil and Punishes Good
Dr. John MacArthur
Dr. MacArthur discusses the issues that confront us in the country that we live in, in the world that we live in, in the times that we live in. He discusses his resolve for the church to be the church when the government wants to shut them down, noting that they are is going to be tested again, and they are going to be tested at a much more aggressive level. But the true church follows Christ, not the government. In reality the greatest threat to this nation is the government, the government. MacArthur shows us how we are to understand that.

False Narratives and Those Who Perpetrate Them
Tom Ascol, PhD
False narratives are an affront to God and damaging both to those who promote them and those who are slandered by them. God never lies and is the God of truth (Titus 1:2).

Of Marriage
Reagan Marsh, ThD
To say there’s confusion today regarding marriage might be the understatement of the century. Beginning with the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, Dr. Marsh explains the position of Scripture concerning marriage.

Canaanite Child Sacrifice, Abortion, and the Bible
Henry B. Smith, Jr.
History is replete with civilizations that have held morally repugnant attitudes concerning infants and children. Old Testament passages referring to child sacrifice are both numerous and dreadful.
This article surveys the unnerving parallels between child sacrifice and modern-day abortion.
Published in the Journal of Ministry and Theology, Fall 2013, Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 90-125.

The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture
Scott Klusendorf
Pro-life Christians, take heart: the pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas-provided Christians properly understand and articulate that message.

Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave
David W. Breese
The teachings of these seven men have impacted our modern world in ways which both amaze and horrify. Dave Breese wrote Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave in 1990. What he feared in 1990 has become a modern-day reality.

The Decline and Renewal of the American Church
Timothy Keller, DMin
Timothy Keller presents four articles on what is wrong with the American Church and how its life and ministry can be renewed. Thought provoking!

Most “Christians” Are Not REAL Christians!
Colin A. Miller
This short video from Fight for Truth presents an honest, Biblical examination of the real spiritual condition of those who claim to be Christians.
Very Highly Recommended!

How to Know When a Nation is in Trouble
Various Authors
The United States of America is in serious trouble as a nation. Presented here is sound advice for all Christians everywhere, but especially for those who live in America.

Marginalization of Christians
Various Authors
For the last decade, we have seen that the unspoken mantra of LGBTQ activists is, “We will intimidate and we will manipulate until you capitulate.” Now, the radical left has upped the ante considerably, as their goal is not just capitulation but cancellation. Using more extreme tactics—even violence—they pressurize, marginalize and brutalize!

How Religious Persecution Exacerbates the Vulnerabilities of Marginalized Groups
Ewelina U. Ochab, PhD
Religious persecution against Christians continues to increase. If nothing changes urgently to address the issues, the future is grim. If there is a future.

The Russia-Ukraine War
Various Authors
A thorough examination of the religious overtones of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and what it may mean for the Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe.

The Pentecostal Phenomenon
Various Authors
Are Pentecostals evangelicals? No doubt many are. But clearly many Pentecostals are heretics. Scholarly research on this modern-day phenomena.

The Wright Report
Various Authors
Succinct Answers to Important Questions of the Day!
Very Highly Recommended!