The Seven Year Tribulation

Premillennialism and the Tribulation

John F. Walvoord, ThD

In the memorable Olivet Discourse, our Lord Jesus Christ answered the searching question of His disciples, “What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?” (Matt 24:3). The major event predicted by the Lord as a sign of the second advent was the great tribulation.

For those anticipating eagerly the coming advent of Christ, these words are fraught with tremendous meaning. Does there lie between us and the consummation of the age this awful period of trial?

Must the church remain on earth through the great tribulation?

The Seven-Year Tribulation: Is it, or Isn’t It?

Gary Stearman

Does the Tribulation last 7 years, or only 3½ years? Some argue that the references in Daniel and Revelation, to “a time, times and a half,” “a thousand, two hundred and sixty days,” “forty-two months,” will only support a 3½ year Tribulation. 

The Events of the Tribulation Period

Tim LaHaye

A succinct presentation of the 31 events that take place during the Seven Year Tribulation.

Quite Helpful!

The Seventy Weeks of Daniel

Thomas D. Ice, PhD

One of the most important and amazing prophecy passages in the whole Bible is found in Daniel 9:24-27. If worked out logically, this text is both seminal and determinative in the outworking of one’s understanding of Bible prophecy. 


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