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The Pretribulation Rapture Position

A Case for the Pretribulation Rapture

Craig A. Blaising, PhD, ThD

Mention the word Rapture and most likely some people will have no idea what you are talking about. The word is a religious, theological term, and is unfamiliar because, in an era of increasing secularism, theological knowledge and its technical vocabulary have greatly waned in public discourse.

A Case for the Pretribulational Rapture of the Church

Jordan P. Ballard

Detailed, well-written thesis that makes a credible case for the Pretribulational Rapture of the Church. (43 pages)

Biblical Evidence for Pretribulationism

Gordon R. Lewis, PhD

Examines passages in 1 & 2 Thessalonians, the Olivet Discourse, and others. Excellent resource!

Why A Pretribulational Rapture?

Robert L. Mayhue, ThD

Seven major lines of reasoning produce the conclusion that a Pretribulational Rapture best fits the biblical evidence and raises the fewest difficulties. By way of conclusion, the article answers 13 of the toughest objections to Pretribulationism. Excellent!

Why I Believe the Bible Teaches Rapture Before Tribulation

Thomas D. Ice, PhD

No single Bible verse says precisely when the Rapture will take place in relation to the Tribulation. However, the Bible does promise that the church will not enter the time of God’s wrath.

Should Pretribulationists Reconsider the Rapture in Matthew 24:36-44? Part 1 of 3

John F. Hart

Next to the Apocalypse, the Olivet Discourse contains the most extensive eschatological revelation in any portion of the NT.

Should Pretribulationists Reconsider the Rapture in Matthew 24:36-44? Part 2 of 3

John F. Hart

Next to the Apocalypse, the Olivet Discourse contains the most extensive eschatological revelation in any portion of the NT.

Should Pretribulationists Reconsider the Rapture in Matthew 24:36-44? Part 3 of 3

John F. Hart

Next to the Apocalypse, the Olivet Discourse contains the most extensive eschatological revelation in any portion of the NT.

Theological Antecedents of Pretribulationism

Gordon R. Lewis, PhD

According to some theologians, Biblical statements on Christ’s Second Coming do not refer to the future of the world, but to the present inner experience of individuals. For evangelicals, Christ’s return to earth is future and literally understood.

The Post Rapture, Pre-Tribulation Thesis

Bill Salus

This 64-page dissertation explores the time interval that exists between the end of the Church Age, which concludes with the Rapture, and the start of the Seven-Year Tribulation Period.

Does Pretribulationism Lead to Idleness? A Consideration of 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12

Steve Lewis

Interesting discussion on 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12.



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