The Defense of the Pretribulation Rapture Position

Biblical Evidence for the Imminence of the Rapture
Wayne A. Brindle
This article discusses Bible passages that teach or strongly imply that Christ’s return for the church can occur at any time without any predicted intervening signs or events. Thoughtful!

Timing of the Rapture: Pre, Mid or Post
Michael Norten
There are quite a number of evidences that should be looked at that makes the Pre-Tribulation view very overwhelmingly convincing. I will cover each argument one at a time.

The Rapture in Twenty Centuries of Biblical Interpretation
James F. Stitzinger
The future coming of the Messiah, called the “Rapture,” is imminent, literal and visible, for all church saints, before the hour of testing, premillennial, and, based on a literal hermeneutic, distinguishes between Israel and the church.

The Rapture in the Apocalypse of Elijah
Francis X. Gumerlock
Many evangelicals argue that the Pretribulation Rapture was unheard of in Christian history prior to the last 200 years. However, several recent discoveries have surfaced beliefs similar to pretribulationism in writings of medieval Christians.

The Rapture and an Early Medieval Citation
Timothy J. Demy & Thomas D. Ice
The primary justification for belief in the Rapture is grounded in biblical exegesis coupled with theological deduction. Yet, historical witnesses can be found in the largely ignored Byzantine apocalyptic writings of the early centuries.

A Rapture Citation in the Fourteenth Century
Francis X. Gumerlock
The purpose of this article is to introduce and discuss a portion of a fourteenth-century text, The History of Brother Dolcino, as it relates to this contemporary question about the history of the doctrine of the pretribulational rapture.

The Rapture, John 14, and Myths
Thomas D. Ice, PhD
Many who do not believe that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation say that John 14:1–3 refers to Christ coming at death for a believer. However, there are good reasons why this passage is Christ’s introduction of the Rapture of the church.

Morgan Edwards: A Pre-Darby Rapturist
Thomas D. Ice, PhD
American Baptist pastor, historian, and educator, Morgan Edwards, has surfaced to join the chorus of pre-Darby voices who taught a form of pretribulationism.