The Rapture of the Church

Overview of the Timing of the Rapture
Various Scholars
An excellent overview of what can be an intense study.

Various Views On the Timing of the Rapture of the Church
In depth research on the following views of the Rapture: Posttribulation Rapture position, Partial Rapture position, Midtribulation Rapture position, Pre-Wrath Rapture position, and Pretribulation Rapture position. Excellent place to begin!

Criticism of the Pretribulation Rapture Position
The Pretribulation Rapture Position has been criticized by various scholars — even Evangelicals — over the years. Here are refutations of their criticism as well as some of the writings of some of those critics (designed for serious scholars).

The Defense of the Pretribulation Rapture Position
Wonderful research articles that give a Biblical defense of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.
Excellent Resources!

The Rapture and the Day of the Lord
Craig A. Blaising, PhD, ThD
This is a four-part series, “The Day of the Lord,” delivered as the W.H. Griffith Thomas Lectureship, March 29–April 1, 2011, Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Blaising is Executive Vice President, Provost, and Professor of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth.

Biblical Evidence for the Imminence of the Rapture
Excellent article originally published in Bibliotheca Sacra 158 (April/June 2001).

The Rapture in Twenty Centuries of Biblical Interpretation
The future coming of the Messiah is imminent, literal and visible, for the elect, before the hour of testing, premillennial, and distinguishes between Israel and the church.

The Church in Heaven
After meeting Christ in the air at the time of the rapture, the church will proceed to heaven. There, according to many New Testament passages, the church will be judged for reward. If the rapture concerns only Christians, it is evident that only Christians will be involved in this judgment as only such will be eligible for the rapture itself.