Eschatology and the End Time Events
Things to Come
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Where Do We Go from Here?
David Jeremiah, DD
This is a series of ten messages on how tomorrow’s prophecies foreshadow today’s problems.
Very Highly Recommended!

Unlocking the Secrets of the Feasts: The Prophecies in the Feasts of Leviticus
Michael Norten, ThM
Amazing prophecies of God’s plans for the world can be found embedded in the customs of the feasts of Israel. The intricate detail of the prophecies illustrated in the observances of these feasts provide insight into God’s plan for the ages.
Norten received a ThM degree from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1974. His Bible teaching which expands over 40 years includes both pastoral and outreach ministries.

Things to Come
J. Dwight Pentecost, ThD
The day in which we live has witnessed a surge of interest in Biblical Eschatology. Whereas a generation ago one theologian wrote: “Eschatology is usually loved in inverse proportion to the square of the mental diameter of those who do the loving,” today another writes: “The problem of eschatology may shortly become, if it is not already, the framework of American theological discussion.” The theologian who, a short generation ago, could either ignore eschatological questions entirely, or treat them disdainfully, is outmoded in his thinking if he adopts such an attitude today. The easy optimism of the past generation has been shattered by two world wars, depression and inflation, with the accompanying social and moral evils. The humanistic emphasis that characterized that theological thinking has proved fallacious. Realism has taken the place of optimism, and men have been forced to turn to eschatological considerations as the source of hope for a sin-cursed world. The Bible and the revelation it contains proves to be the one source of hope and confidence for the future, and men are turning to it for light in the present darkness.

Overview of the End Times
This is an excellent starting point in one’s study of Eschatology. A thorough overview of end times events helps to clear away the haze of confusion surrounding the Doctrine of Last Things.
Highly recommended!

The Psalm 83 Battle
Psalm 83 predicts a major battle for Israel that differs decidedly from the Battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 and the later Battle of Armageddon. This still future battle has serious and significant consequences for Israel and her immediate neighbors in the Middle East.

The Rapture of the Church
Exactly when does the Rapture of the Church take place? Scholars have debated this for centuries. This is a thorough examination of the four major views concerning the timing of the Rapture, concluding with a scholarly, Biblical defense of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture position.

The Battle of Gog and Magog
According to Ezekiel, Gog’s vast army included men from Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer (or the Cimerians), and Togarmah, all from the extreme north, completely equipped for war. They were to come upon the mountains of Israel and cover the land like a cloud. Their purpose was plunder, for the people of Israel were rich and dwelt in towns and villages without walls.

The Seven Year Tribulation
The Tribulation refers to seven years of judgment that take place in the eschaton, a time when God will rain judgment upon the earth in general and the nation of Israel in particular.

The Olivet Discourse
The Olivet Discourse is a monumental passage for the doctrine of eschatology. Found in Matthew 24–25 and parallel passages in Mark and Luke, it is of vital importance because it is the Lord’s ultimate exposition of future events. Second, it gives an outline of the future of Israel. Third, it is important because all incorrect rapture systems go astray in this passage.

A Prophecy Potpourri
A potpourri of excellent research articles on various aspects of Bible Prophecy.

Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Various scholars examine one of the most important prophecy passages in the entire Bible, that of God’s prophecy given to the Prophet Daniel in Daniel 9:24-27.

Jewish Eschatology
Isidore Singer writes: Jewish eschatology deals primarily and principally with the final destiny of the Jewish nation and the world in general, and only secondarily with the future of the individual; the main concern of Hebrew legislator, prophet, and apocalyptic writer being Israel as the people of God and the victory of His truth and justice on earth.