The Five Solas

The Five Solas
Michael Barrett explains that the five solas form the nucleus of the evangelical faith. They not only capture the gospel of Jesus Christ and explain how that gospel takes root in the sinner, but they also define where the authority of that gospel resides and to what end that gospel is preached and proclaimed.

The Five Solas
InforGraphic depicting the Five Solas.
“When the church loses its understanding of these rallying cries of The Reformation, it loses the Gospel”

The Five Solas: The Doctrines that Defined the Reformation
Steven J. Lawson, DMin
Excellent, though brief, overview of the Five Solas!

Scripture Alone
Sola Scriptura is the belief that because Scripture is God’s inspired Word, it is the only inerrant, sufficient, and final authority for the church.

Grace Alone
Sola Gratia proclaims that all of our salvation, from beginning to end, is by grace and grace alone.

Faith Alone
Sola Fide maintains that the believer receives the redemption Christ has accomplished only through faith.

Christ Alone
Solus Christus is the assertion that Christ alone is the basis on which the ungodly are justified in God’s sight.

Glory to God Alone
Because of these things, the Reformers held fast to the phrase Soli Deo Gloria, that only God receives glory for our salvation.