The English and the American Puritans
The Puritans
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The Puritan Conference
Various Speakers
This once-in-a-generation event celebrating one of the greatest eras in church history was held at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles on October 5-7, 2022.
Very Highly Recommended!

Puritanism: A Very Short Introduction
Francis J. Bremer
Presents the puritans as they were, and provides a clear explanation of what they believed, how they worshipped, how they lived their everyday lives and interacted with their fellow believers and the broader world, and why the movement as such came to an end.

Who Were the Puritans?
Randall C. Gleason & Kelly M. Kapic
Apart from nostalgic portraits of New England Pilgrims feasting with American Indians, the word Puritan typically conjures up images representing the worst sort of religious hypocrite. C. S. Lewis’s demon Screwtape claims credit for this modern caricature in his correspondence to Wormwood, “The value we have given to that word [Puritanism] is one of the really solid triumphs of the last hundred years.”

Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints
Joel R. Beeke & Randall J. Pederson
The Puritans [were] burning and shining lights. When cast out by the black Bartholomew Act, and driven from their respective charges to preach in barns and fields, in the highways and hedges, they in a special manner wrote and preached as men having authority. Though dead, by their writings they yet speak.

Puritans and Puritanism in Europe and America
Francis J. Bremer & Tom Webster
In its broadest terms, puritanism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was an agenda calling for furthering the perfection of Protestant reform, and it was to be found throughout the British Isles and in the English colonies abroad. Though often studied within the specific context of England or New England, it was a transatlantic movement.

John Owen and English Puritanism
Crawford Gribben
This 425-page book is about John Owen (1616–83) and the texts, cultures, and contexts of English Puritanism in the middle and late seventeenth century. Owen was an extraordinary figure, “one of the towering theologians of the Calvinist heritage,” whose life and writing negotiated and contributed to some of the most unpredictable moments in English history. Born in humble circumstances during the reign of James I, and ordained as an Anglican priest under Charles I, Owen became preacher to the Long Parliament (from 1646), preacher of the regicide (1649), chaplain to Oliver Cromwell on the invasions of Ireland and Scotland (1649–50), dean of Christ Church (1651–60) and vice chancellor of the University of Oxford (1652–57), principal mover in the Cromwellian religious settlement, and active agent in the downfall of Richard Cromwell’s administration (1659).

History of the English Puritans
W. Carlos Martyn
This 495-page book (published in 1967) makes no pretensions. It often falls below what Dryasdust would call “the dignity of history,” and is satisfied to be considered simply an accurate daguerreotype of the men and manners of a heroic past. The English Puritans have always labored under the disadvantage of which the lion in the fable complained so bitterly. Though they were the conquerors, their enemies were the painters.

Unity in Diversity: English Puritans and the Puritan Reformation, 1603–1689
Randall J. Pederson
This book reflects on the perennial problem of studying Puritanism, that is, how Puritanism is best understood, classified, and defined.

Spurgeon: Heir of the Puritans
Ernest W. Bacon
Spurgeon was steeped in and fashioned by the writings and principles of the Puritans and can only be understood in their light. This book, therefore, makes no apology for presenting him as “heir of the Puritans.” In his preaching of Christ, in his controversies, and in his personal life, he would not have been what he was without them.

The Story of the Puritans
Erroll Hulse
Who were the Puritans? When did they live? What did they accomplish? What did they teach? History is not a popular subject. We cannot assume that those who are British are automatically well-educated in English history. It is rare for
those outside Britain to know English history. How can we introduce overseas Christians to the best theological inheritance ever?

Reading the Puritans
Joel R. Beeke
When we survey church history, we discover giants of the faith,
such as Aurelius Augustine (354–430), Martin Luther (1483–1546), John Calvin (1509–1564), John Owen (1616–1683), and Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). Amid those giants the Puritans also rise as giants of exegetical ability, intellectual achievement, and profound piety.

Prepared by Grace, for Grace: The Puritans on God’s Ordinary Way of Leading Sinners to Christ
Joel R. Beeke & Paul M. Smalley
A welcome addition to the mounting literature on the subject of “preparatory grace” in the writings of the Puritan theologians of the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Puritan Evangelism: A Biblical Approach
Joel R. Beeke
John Calvin and his Puritan successors did not lack evangelistic zeal, as some have claimed. David
Calhoun has defended Calvin’s work as a teacher and practitioner of evangelism. Beeke shows how the Puritans brought the gospel to others in a thoroughly scriptural manner

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life
Joel R. Beeke & Mark Jones
The word “Puritan” originated in the 1560s as a bit of pejorative hurled at people who wanted further reformation in the Church of England. While some social historians think the term should be abandoned due to the various ways it was used during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, others who identify themselves as Reformed or Calvinistic defend the continuing use of the terms “Puritan” and “Puritanism.”

Historical Dictionary of the Puritans
Charles Pastoor & Galen K. Johnson
Our goal in composing this book has been to fill a void in the existing literature of Puritanism: an extensive, accessible dictionary of the major persons, terms, and events of the historical Puritan movement. (433 pages). Great resource!

A Body of Divinity
Thomas Watson
Thomas Watson’s Body of Practical Divinity is one of the most precious of the peerless works of the Puritans; and those best acquainted with it prize it most. Watson was one of the most concise, racy, illustrative, and suggestive of those eminent divines who made the Puritan age the Augustan period of evangelical literature.

From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of American Literature
Richard Ruland & Malcom Bradley
This 478-page book takes a secular approach to the subject at hand. Interesting viewpoint — but Be A Berean!

Resources on The Puritans
Various Authors
Links to 1095 excellent resources on The Puritans. This truly massive collection is in various formats, including PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 video files, and web pages and can be downloaded to your computer for further research and study.

Scripturally and Theologically Sound Christian Literature
Various Authors
1000+ Free eBooks Listed Alphabetically by Author