What is Systematic Theology?

What is Systematic Theology
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
The word Theology means literally a “discourse concerning God” but in analogy with other words, such as geology, chronology and biology, it means the “science which treats of God.”

What is Systematic Theology
Wayne Grudem, PhD
As Dr. Wayne Grudem explains it, “systematic theology is any study that answers the question, ‘What does the whole Bible teach us today?’ about any given topic.”

Introduction to Christian Belief
Greg Herrick, PhD
Systematic theology, though having once fallen on hard times in both the evangelical church and in the academy (for different reasons in each group), is now making a comeback. It should, for it is both possible and necessary.

Introduction to Systematic Theology
Paul P. Enns, ThD
Theology is derived from the Greek theos (“God’) and logos (“word” or “discourse”); hence, “discourse about God.” Systematic comes from the Greek verb sunistano (“to stand together” or “to organize”); hence, systematic theology emphasizes the systematization of theology.

The Task and Method of Systematic Theology
Benjamin B. Warfield, LLD
By “Systematic Theology” is meant that department or section of theological science which is concerned with setting forth systematically what is known concerning God.

A Case For Systematic Theology
Robert Lightner, ThD.
An Address Given Before the: Conservative Theological Society Second Annual Meeting, August 3, 1999. Tyndale Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas.

Abstract of Systematic Theology
James Petigru Boyce
James Petigru Boyce (1827 – 1888) was a Confederate Chaplain, Southern Baptist pastor, theologian, seminary professor, and founder of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. This is the foundational document of SBTS!

Systematic Theology Resources
Various Authors
Links to online Systematic Theology works by James P. Boyce, Charles Hodge, and two by Louis Berkhof.
Excellent Resources !!!