Theology Proper: The Doctrine of God

Why the Classical Concept of God is Biblical
Many alternative religious movements deny that the Bible supports the classical concept of God. However, Francis Beckwith argues that the classical concept of God is the model which best captures the concept of God found in the Bible.

The Doctrine of the Father
Harold Willmington suggests that the all but universal ignorance about the Father to be found in modern Christendom is inexcusable because of the number of
references and the various relationships ascribed to him!

The Sovereignty of God
Various Authors
When one thinks of the topics that create friction among
Christians, the subject of divine sovereignty is probably high on the list. Highly Recommended Resources!

The Personal Names of God
God’s name declares much about His person, but it is God’s Word that reveals God and His name. We know what God is like, not only by His perfections and works, but also by His names. They tell us many things about God’s care and concern for His own.

The Invisibility of God
One finds little on the subject of God’s invisibility among the books on the attributes of God. Some may reason that God’s invisibility is obvious. Because we cannot see God, why attempt to prove He is invisible?

The Attributes of God
Stephen J. Lawson, DMin
Dr. Lawson presents 16 video lectures on the Attributes of God.

The Attributes of God
William Evans
It is difficult to clearly distinguish between the attributes and the nature of God. These qualities of God which we call attributes are in reality part of His nature and essence.

On God’s Being a Spirit
Stephen Charnock
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)
A classic essay from one of the great Puritan scholars!