Pneumatology: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: What Does it Mean?
Vern Poythress, PhD, DTh
There is a controversy over the concept of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, a controversy associated with the Pentecostal movement. Pentecostals teach that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is generally an experience that a believer passes through subsequent to conversion, and that it is related to speaking in tongues; others do not agree with them.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
John F. MacArthur
What is Spirit baptism? How do you get it? And when do you receive it?
Some writers and teachers say you have to meet certain conditions before you can be baptized in the Spirit. But is that consistent with what the Bible teaches?
Find out the determining factor for being baptized with the Spirit in this series on Acts 2:1–13.

The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
John F. MacArthur
The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Series of 13 messages was preached at Grace Community Church during 2011-2012.
Highly Recommended by Lion and Lamb Apologetics!

Taking the Mystery Out of the Spirit's Work
John F. MacArthur
So, what exactly does the Holy Spirit do? What is His role in salvation and in the ongoing growth of a Christian? How important is the Spirit compared with the other members of the Trinity? Should you worship Him in the same way you worship the Father and the Son? You’re not alone if you have questions like those. Fair to say, the Holy Spirit is the least understood member of the Godhead. But Scripture speaks clearly on who the Spirit is and what He does.

Whatever Happened to the the Holy Spirit?
John F. MacArthur
More and more of today’s Christians are attempting to solve their problems through their own wisdom. They fail to consider praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. For example, what do you hear most on Christian radio—sound Bible teaching, or call-in therapy? Does the church focus on God-centered resources or man-centered methodologies? At one time, all the church could talk about was the Spirit. Now, He’s either shamefully misrepresented or largely forgotten.

Costi Hinn on the Holy Spirit
Costi Hinn, DMin
The Holy Spirit is quite possibly the most misunderstood and abused member of the Holy Trinity. Some people don’t believe He is God, others think He is merely a mystical force or some abstract expression of God. In the midst of a generation ripe with false teaching that confuses people on this vital doctrine, this episode will help you avoid error and relish in the truth.
Costi Hinn presents six excellent essays on the Holy Spirit. Highly Recommended!

10 Things You Should Know about the Holy Spirit
Fred Sanders, PhD
When you find your mind wandering or getting lost in the details of pneumatology (the doctrine of the Holy Spirit), just call back to mind the basic Christian confession that there is one God in three persons.