Ecclesiology: The Doctrine of the Church

The Marks of a Spiritual Leader
John Piper, DTheol
The goal of spiritual leadership is that people come to know God and to glorify him in all that they do.

The Importance of Preaching Sound Doctrine
Costi Hinn
“In short, doctrine matters!” — Costi Hinn

Why I Am Still a Baptist
Robert R. Gonzales, PhD
Some of my best friends and my most admired heroes of the Christian faith believe in the practice of baptizing infants and bringing them into the membership of the church apart from any profession of faith. My love and respect for these dear brothers and venerable men of God has on more than one occasion inclined me to reconsider whether they’ve got it right and I’ve got it wrong. But after “revisiting” the issue several times, I’m still a Baptist. I could offer several reasons. But one reason involves the teaching of a text that’s often overlooked in the Infant Baptism (Paedobaptism) vs Believer Baptism (Credobaptism) debate. That text is John 1:12–13.

The Marks of a True Church
Francis Turretin
Turretin is known as “The Most Precise Theologian of the Reformation Era.” This article is quite detailed, but very helpful in identifying the true churches from the counterfeits.

How Inclusive Should the Local Church Be?
Jim Elliff
What does a person have to believe before joining the church?

The Marks of a Healthy Church
John MacArthur, DD
A series of 8 sermons on the Biblical Marks of a Healthy Church. Highly recommended!

The Indispensable Necessity of Doctrinally Rich Young Adult Ministry
Daniel Bouchoc
Excellent article from Baptist Press!

The Church: Universal and Local
Jonathan Leeman, PhD
The universal church is a heavenly and eschatological assembly of everyone—past, present, and future—who belongs to Christ’s new covenant and kingdom. A local church is a mutually-affirming group of new covenant members and kingdom citizens, identified by regularly gathering together in Jesus’ name through preaching the gospel and celebrating the ordinances.

Marks of a Healthy Community of Faith
Daniel L. Akin, PhD
A superb exposition of Hebrews 13 on this topic.

The Trinity Transforms the Church into a Community of Love
Dustin Benge, PhD
Every generation struggles with devising a thoroughly biblical definition of the church. Today, we tend to err by defining the church as a mere organizational social structure. To arrive at an accurate definition requires us to peer into eternity past when the church resided in the mind and heart of the triune God.

Who Killed the Prayer Meeting?
Paul E. Miller
The American church is functionally prayerless when it comes to corporate prayer. In most churches corporate prayer doesn’t function in any meaningful way

God, Revelation, and Community: Ecclesiology and Baptist Identity in the Thought of Carl F.H. Henry
Russell D. Moore, PhD
Southern Baptists, whose denominational self-consciousness was forged in nineteenth-century ecclesiological polemics against infant baptism, the Campbell movement, and the Landmark controversy, are now in the midst of a protracted debate over what it means for a church to be “Baptist.”