
A Short History of Dispensationalism
Thomas D. Ice, PhD
The first systematic expression of dispensationalism was formulated by J. N. Darby sometime during the late 1820s and 1830s in the British Isles. I believe that Darby’s development was the culmination of various influences which produced within his thought one of the most literal approaches to Bible interpretation in history and a theology which distinguishes God’s plan for Israel from God’s plan for the church.

Reflections on Dispensationalism
John F. Walvoord, ThD
One of the problems in theology today is that many people who refer to dispensationalism do not adequately understand its roots, and therefore they dismiss it without giving it due consideration.

Modern Dispensationalism
Oswald T. Allis, PhD
Subtitled: “Modern Dispensationalism and the Doctrine of the Unity of Scripture,” Dr. Allis presents an opposing view to Dispensationalism.

What Is Progressive Dispensationalism?
Thomas D. Ice, PhD
Two DTS professors have edited a major new book calling into question previous formulations of dispensationalism, thus attempting to develop a new kind of dispensationalism, known as “Progressive Dispensationalism.”

Systems of Discontinuity
John S. Feinberg, PhD
The relation of the Testaments has occasioned much debate throughout church history. Whether one sees more continuity or discontinuity will become evident at various points in one’s theological system. No theological system can escape addressing this issue either explicitly or implicitly.

The Dispensations: Understanding the Progress of God’s Truth
Rolland D. McCune, ThD
Dispensationalism emphasizes God’s progressive self-revelation and the resulting human responsibilities (or stewardships) this revelation generates. One notable outcome of such an approach is a fundamental theological distinction between Old Testament Israel and the New Testament church.

Soli Deo Gloria As Pinnacle of Dispensationalism’s Sine Qua Non
Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD
In 1957, Charles Ryrie wrote an article entitled, “The Necessity of Dispensationalism.” Ryrie emphasized the concepts he later referred to as the sine qua non of dispensationalism.

A Complete Guide to Understanding the Dispensationalist Controversy
Kerry Trahan, ThD
Dispensationalism has always been a misunderstood theology, partly because of the extreme reactions by many of its critics, who all too often demonize it as a heresy or near-heresy. Lengthy, but excellent, ThD dissertation!

Does the Fact that Dispensational Theology is a Recent Development Argue Against its Legitimacy?
Got Questions
While certain aspects of dispensational theology have been present throughout church history, the system was not formalized until Darby began teaching it in the mid-1800s.

What are the Seven Dispensations?
Got Questions
Dispensationalism is a method of interpreting history that divides God’s work and purposes toward mankind into different periods of time. Usually, there are seven dispensations identified, although some theologians believe there are nine. In this article, we will limit ourselves to the seven basic dispensations found in Scripture.

What is Mid-Acts Dispensationalism?
Got Questions
According to mid-Acts dispensationalism, or Pauline dispensationalism, the church began with the ministry of the apostle Paul in either Acts 9 (Paul’s conversion) or Acts 13 (Paul’s first missionary journey).

What is Ultra-Dispensationalism?
Got Questions
Ultra-dispensationalism, also known as hyper-dispensationalism/hyperdispensationalism (although some theologians draw fine distinctions between these terms), is the teaching that Paul’s message was unique from the other apostles’ and that the church did not begin until Acts 28 or later.