Who Is Jesus? The Seven "I Am" Statements of Jesus

Who Is Jesus? The Bread of Life
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Jesus twice declares, “I am the bread of life.” By human standards, the message here could be categorized as the worst sermon Jesus ever preached. When the chapter begins, Jesus is being followed by crowds of possibly more than 20,000 people. At the end, He is left with 12 followers – one of whom is, in Jesus’ words, a devil.

The Marks of an Unbeliever
Robb Brunansky, PhD
An essential part of Christianity is a right understanding of who Jesus is and what He came to do. In the Gospel of John, our Lord makes seven “I Am” statements that reveal more about His nature, His character, and His purpose for coming to this world to die for the sin of the world.

Who Is Jesus? The Light of the World
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Our world today has a confused understanding of who Jesus is as various peoples and groups vainly try to mold our Savior into the person they want Him to be. Even within the church, the person and the work of Christ is unclear to many people. We need constant reminders from God’s Word of who Jesus is so we can keep our eyes fixed on the Messiah and grow in our trust and love for Him.

Who Is Jesus? The Door of the Sheep
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Where is true life to be found? This is a centuries-old question that philosophers, scholars, theologians, and everyday people seeking to experience what it means to be truly alive have wrestled with and repeatedly asked. After a dramatic or thrilling experience, countless people have said, “For the first time, I felt what it is like to be truly alive!”

Who Is Jesus? The Good Shepherd
Robb Brunansky, PhD
“I Am the Good Shepherd” is the one that ties together the other six. It stands out as the most significant for our salvation because it is in this statement that Jesus explains His death on our behalf. This passage in John 10 is, as Dr. Steven Lawson has noted, Jesus’ own commentary on His death and resurrection.

Who Is Jesus? The Resurrection and the Life
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Jesus makes this statement – I am the resurrection and the life – in the context of the death of His dear friend, Lazarus. Here we see the meaning of Jesus being the resurrection life, and how our good shepherd assists us to navigate and triumph over death itself.

Who Is Jesus? The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Robb Brunansky, PhD
At the end of Jesus’ public ministry, John presents a window into how our Lord ministered directly and exclusively to His disciples as He braced Himself for the cross. Jesus told His disciples He was leaving to go to the Father, and this revelation troubled His followers, filling them with anxiety.

Who Is Jesus? The True Vine
Robb Brunansky, PhD
How do we live lives of dependence on Christ in our day-to-day walk so God is glorified through us in the here and now? Jesus answers this question in His final “I am” statement in John 15, when He calls Himself “the true vine.” In this statement, Jesus provides the key to depending on Him as our all-sufficient Savior: we must abide in Christ because He is the true vine who gives all we need.