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Old Testament Prophecies Concerning Jesus the Messiah

Old Testament Prophecies Concerning the Birth of Jesus

The Old Testament Prophets

The 15 key Old Testament prophecies concerning the Birth of Jesus the Messiah and their New Testament fulfillment.

Old Testament Prophecies Concerning the Life and Ministry of Jesus

The Old Testament Prophets

The 37 key Old Testament prophecies concerning the Life and Ministry of Jesus the Messiah and their NT fulfillment.

Old Testament Prophecies Concerning the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

The Old Testament Prophets

The 39 key OT prophecies concerning the Death and Resurrection of Jesus the Messiah and their NT fulfillment.

Old Testament Prophecies Concerning the Titles and Attributes of Jesus

The Old Testament Prophets

The 27 key Old Testament prophecies concerning the Titles and Attributes of Jesus the Messiah and their NT fulfillment.

351 Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Christ

The Old Testament Prophets

This is an 11-page chart presenting 351 Old Testament prophecies about Jesus listed in canonical order, along with their New Testament fulfillment.

Excellent resource!

The Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ

Harold L. Willmington, DMin

Harold Willmington is famous for his excellent presentations of Biblical truth in an easy to read and understandable format. These five pages offer yet another treasure for the reader.

Excellent resource!



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