Christology: The Doctrine of Christ

The Person and Work of Christ
John F. Walvoord, ThD, LittD
The Person and Work of Christ was originally published in Bibliotheca Sacra in sixteen consecutive issues in 1960-1963.
Very Highly Recommended!

The Person of Christ
Wayne Grudem, PhD
We may summarize the biblical teaching about the person of Christ as follows: Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man in one person and will be so forever. The scriptural material supporting this definition is extensive.

The Person of Christ
Benjamin B. Warfield
It is the purpose of this article to make as clear as possible the conception of the Person of Christ, in the technical sense of that term, which lies on—or, if we prefer to say so, beneath—the pages of the New Testament.

Thinking and Speaking Biblically About the Death of Christ
Daryl Wingerd
This is a five-part series that examines the Biblical purpose of the death of Christ: Did Jesus die for everyone or for the Elect?

Why It Matters That Jesus Was and Still Is Human
Dane C. Ortlund, PhD
Some people seem to think that the Son of God came down from heaven in incarnate form, spent three decades or so as a human, and then returned to heaven to revert back to his preincarnate state. But did He?

Christology: The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
David Hocking
Presented by The Blue Letter Bible Institute, this is a massive 430-page study (in 14 sessions) by Dr. David Hocking. Very Highly Recommended!

Johannine Christology
D.A. Carson, PhD
If Jesus is understood to be both God and man, then in him, if anywhere, the tension between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility will come to its sharpest focus. Explore the relationship between the sovereignty-responsibility tension and the distinctive way in which the fourth Gospel presents Jesus.

The Names of Jesus
Elmer L. Towns
Over 700 names of Jesus to help you really know the Lord loves you. The chapters in this 106-page book were preached as 12 messages at Muskoka Baptist Conference, Canada, during the summer of 1986. Quite interesting!

Old Testament Prophecies Concerning Jesus the Messiah
Various Authors
Hundreds of Old Tesatment prophecies about Jesus the Messiah concerning: His birth, His life and ministry, His death and resurrection, His titles and attributes, and His second coming.

Christological Controversies in the Early Church
Coleman Ford
A study of the doctrine of Christ as its understanding developed in the early centuries of the church.

Could Jesus Have Sinned?
R. Carlton Wynne, PhD
The author of Hebrews tells us that Jesus was “in every respect . . . tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus, the God-man, was truly tempted in his humanity, though not in all the same ways as sinners are. Temptations came at him from without, while inside he remained “without sin.”

The Seven "I Am" Statements of Jesus
Robb Brunansky, PhD
In John’s Gospel account, each of Jesus’ seven “I am” statements revealed something about His person and work, allowing John’s readers to know Him more intimately, clearly, and personally. These statements are designed to bring us back to the foundation of our faith, which is the Lord Jesus Christ

Top Ten Discoveries Related to Jesus
Bryan Windle
The historicity of Jesus of Nazareth is well-attested; in addition to the reliable gospel accounts in Scripture, numerous secular authors within 150 years of his life mention him. For example, Thallus, Mara Bar-Serapion, Phlegon, Suetonius, Lucian of Samosata, and Celsus all reference Jesus. In addition Josephus affirms that Jesus was called the Christ and that his brother was James, Pliny the Younger notes that Christians worshipped Jesus “as a god,” and Tacitus wrote that Christ, “suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus.”

Top Ten Historical References to Jesus Outside of the Bible
Bryan Windle
The New Testament gospels are the earliest and most reliable records of the life of Jesus of Nazareth. This article focuses on non-biblical references to him. The following criteria are used:
- The sources must be from the first or second century, not later.
- Secondly, the sources must reference Jesus, not just to Christians.