The Doctrines of the Christian Faith

Systematic Theology

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What is Systematic Theology?

The word Theology means literally a “discourse concerning God” but in analogy with other words, such as geology, chronology and biology, it means the “science which treats of God.”

Systematic Theology Lectures

Links to audio and text files by outstanding Biblical Scholars presenting Systematic Theology in an understanding manner!

An Excellent Starting Place!

Theology Proper

The Doctrine of God the Father is known as Theology Proper. God is called a Father in both testaments. However, most of our information about Him comes from the NT. When the name God is used in Scripture it sometimes refers specifically to God the Father. More likely, it refers to the Trinity. The context must tell us.


The eternality and deity of Christ are inseparably linked together. Those who deny His eternality also deny His deity. If the deity of Christ is established, there is no problem in accepting His eternality.


The word Pneumatology comes from two Greek words which mean “wind, air, spirit” and “word” – combining to mean “the study of the Holy Spirit.” Pneumatology is the study of God the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. It answers numerous important questions about the Holy Spirit: “Who or what is the Holy Spirit?”


Bibliology is the study of inspiration, revelation, inerrancy, canonicity, and basic hermeneutical principles. Bibliology includes all the topics relating to the written revelation of God, namely, the inspiration, authenticity, credibility, and canonicity of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.


Christian anthropology recognizes that humans are created in God’s image (imago Dei) but that sin has in some way negatively affected that image. Anthropology is also interested in the question of the constitution of a human being, that is, the relationship between body, soul, spirit, etc.


Hamartiology is the study of sin. It deals with how sin originated, how it affects humanity, and what it will result in after death.  Hamartiology explains why we miss the mark, how we miss the mark, and the resulting consequences.


The doctrine of salvation; the branch of systematic theology that deals with the work of Christ the redeemer, and its application to the elect by the Holy Spirit.


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Ecclesiology is the study of the church. The word Ecclesiology comes from two Greek words meaning “assembly” and “word” – combining to mean “the study of the church.” The church is the assembly of believers who belong to God.

The Theology Program

Downloadable program, includes Student Notebooks, Vocabulary Quizzes, and PowerPoint. Very helpful!

Systematic Theology versus Biblical Theology

Various Authors

Systematic Theology is often contrasted unfavourably with the relatively new discipline of Biblical Theology. The very terminology immediately sets Systematics at a disadvantage, as if Biblical Theology alone were ‘biblical’ and anything that sets out to be ‘systematic’ should be viewed with profound suspicion.  But is this actually true? 


Various Authors

Dispensationalism has always been a misunderstood theology, partly because of the extreme reactions by many of its critics, who all too often demonize it as a heresy or near-heresy. Dispensationalism has also suffered at the hands of its advocates who sometimes teach things in the name of dispensationalism that are inconsistent with actual tenets of dispensationalism.

Historical Theology

C. Matthew McMahon, PhD, ThD

An introductory overview to Historical Theology from A Puritan’s Mind. Very Highly Recommended!



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