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Brian Houston: Hillsong Church

Is Hillsong a Biblically Solid Church?

Got Questions

Hillsong Church was founded in 1983 in Sydney, Australia, by former “Global Senior Pastors” Brian and Bobbie Houston. Hillsong is probably best known for their praise and worship music, having recorded dozens of popular songs since 1992.

Hillsong and Man: The Gospel According to Hillsong

Cameron Buettel & Jeremiah Johnson

The heart of the human problem is the human heart. Therapy can’t change it. Self-help gurus can’t fix it. Positive confession can’t conceal it. And self-esteem can’t convert it.

Another Jesus, Another Spirit, Another Gospel - Part 1

Connie Wright & Tammy Cheetham

An excellent exposé of Brian Houston and Hillsong Church!

Another Jesus, Another Spirit, Another Gospel - Part 2

Connie Wright & Tammy Cheetham

An excellent exposé of Brian Houston and Hillsong Church!

Another Jesus, Another Spirit, Another Gospel - Part 3

Connie Wright & Tammy Cheetham

An excellent exposé of Brian Houston and Hillsong Church!

Hillsong is Becoming its Own Denomination

Mike Thom

Hillsong Church has announced that they are leaving their church’s Australian denomination in order to form their own. 

Doctrine Still Matters: What’s Wrong with Hillsong?

Paul Chappell

Many have spoken out against Hillsong—specifically their CCM style. But we can miss the larger picture and condemn a ministry for an expression of a deeper issue rather than identifying and separating from the real issue(s).

Is Brian Houston a False Teacher?

Ray Fava

Verdict: Brian Houston propagates the Prosperity Gospel as well as the Popularity Gospel.

Absolute PROOF That Hillsong Church Has False Teaching!

Colin Miller

Excellent exposé from Fight For Truth!

Hillsong/Brian & Bobbie Houston

Michelle Lesley

This article is what I call a “clearinghouse article”. It is a collection of articles written by others on the teacher, ministry, or unbiblical trend mentioned.

The Brian Houston & Hillsong Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Abuse, Obfuscation & Money Generation

Steven Kozar

Kozar looks beneath all the glitz and glamor at Hillsong’s failed methods, practices, and theology.

Brian Houston—Exposing His False Teachings

Chris Rosebrough

Here you find numerous credible resources exposing Brian Houston and his false teachings.


Australian Church: Head Quits Over Inappropriate Behavior with Women

The Jerusalem Post

Hillsong Church Australia said its founder, Brian Houston, had resigned after acting inappropriately towards two women, another blow to an influential organization already reeling from charges the leader had covered up sex abuse.

Hillsong is Facing Catastrophe but the Houstons will be Loath to Give Up Control

Elle Hardy

Judgment Day has come for Hillsong!

Sex Scandals, Celebrities and the Business of Christianity: Inside Hillsong Church’s Rise and Fall

Lanford Beard

Probes deeply into the global religious phenomenon.

8 Witnesses Testify Against Hillsong Founder, Brian Houston Maintains His Innocence

Sylvia St. Cyr

Bobbie Houston, the wife of Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston, recently revealed eight witnesses were called to the stand testifying that he allegedly concealed his late father’s sexual abuse.

Why was Brian Houston Taken to Court and Why Did He Quit Hillsong?

Tim Wyatt

Brian Houston has been cleared over charges arising from his decision not to report his paedophile father to police. But the former Hillsong leader is no longer part of the global church network he built. Tim Wyatt has the full story.

THIS Is Why I Don’t Listen To Hillsong Worship!

Colin Miller

Excellent exposé from Fight For Truth!

Hillsong Says JESUS Is Like Wonder Woman?!

Colin Miller

Excellent exposé from Fight For Truth!

Hillsong Music Is VERY Dangerous, And Here’s Why!

Colin Miller

Excellent exposé from Fight For Truth!

Justin Peters EXPOSES the Truth about Hillsong Music

Justin Peters

Highly recommended exposé from Justin Peters and why your church should not play their music! Ever!



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