Andy Stanley

Getting 'Unhitched' from the Old Testament? Andy Stanley Aims at Heresy
R. Albert Mohler Jr, PhD
Andy Stanley is a master communicator, and he communicates very well and very often. His preaching and teaching often bring controversy, and he quite regularly makes arguments that subvert the authority of Scripture and cast doubt upon biblical Christianity. He returns regularly to certain themes and arguments — so regularly that we certainly get the point.

The Train is Leaving the Station
R. Albert Mohler Jr, PhD
Andy Stanley hosted the “Unconditional Conference” at a campus of North Point Community Church and stated, “You will be equipped, refreshed, and inspired as you hear from leading communicators on topics that speak to your heart, soul, and mind,” it promises. One statement stands out in the description: “No matter what theological stance you hold, we invite you to listen, reflect, and learn as we approach this topic from the quieter middle space.” Al Mohler documents Stanley’s departure from Biblical Christianity.

Andy Stanley's Unconditional Conference: Deep Dive Response
Sean McDowell & Alan Shlemon
What happened at the Unconditional Conference, which was hosted by Andy Stanley at Northpoint Church? What are some positive takeaways and what are some areas of concern? What is the strategy behind the conference and what effect will it have on the church? Alan Shlemon went to the conference and gives us an inside look. Devastating!

Southern Baptists Respond to North Point Conference on Parenting LGBTQ+ Children
Scott Barkley
NASHVILLE (BP) — Southern Baptist leaders joined other evangelicals this week in addressing the Unconditional Conference hosted at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga., specifically, the way the conference and North Point’s pastor, Andy Stanley, framed the discussion over homosexuality and the Bible. From Baptist Press.

Go and Sin No More
R. Albert Mohler Jr, PhD
Christians should find no joy in addressing theological error, but passivity in the face of serious error amounts to complicity. The Apostles warned the Church to be on guard against false gospels and teachings that contradict the faith “once for all delivered to the saints.” Clearly, that calls for careful discernment and a necessary note of humility. This stewardship also requires careful consideration of theological weight, Biblical substance, and ethical priority. A disagreement over eschatological timetables is not a first-order theological issue, but a subversion of the gospel is a first-order crisis.

No, Andy Stanley, Christianity Without Repentance Is Not Drawing a Circle, It is Erasing Truth
David E. Prince, PhD
Clearly, Andy Stanley believes that unrepentant practicing homosexuals can be described, without question, as Christians who are “maintaining their faith” and faithfully following Christ, so much so that they are reliable guides to Christians about how to respond to LGBTQ+ issues. That is precisely the trajectory I have been convinced Stanley is on for years now.

Where Andy Stanley Went Wrong
Jon Harris
Jon Harris examines Stanley’s departure from orthodoxy years before the recent controversy surrounding homosexuality in the church.
Video from Conversations that Matter.

Proof Andy Stanley's Church Is Open & Affirming of Homosexuality, Only Takes Issue with Adultery, Sorta
Doctrinal Watchdog
Watch as Andy in his own words explains that he has no issue with people living in so called “LGBT” lifestyles becoming members and even serving at his North Point Church.

Andy Stanley Has Finally Come Out
Vision unSEALED
Every Christian should be concerned because what is happening in evangelical churches has a negative impact on the church as a whole, but more importantly, on the next generation of Christians. Video Presentation!

Andy Stanley, Homosexuality, and the Hatefulness of Tolerance
Blake Comeaux
It seems like popular pastors are falling by the wayside. The church has seen no shortage of spiritual leaders capitulating to the whims of culture. The biggest issue that is leading young Pastors astray is the issue of how to speak about the LGBTQ movement. The complexities, pressure, and mass-cultural shifts of the past decade have put many pastors, especially in large urban centers, in precarious situations. This is a time when the moral fortitude of America’s Pastors is being tested. Sadly, many of our most prominent shepherds are failing.

The Making Of Andy Stanley: Pastor's Son, Turned Renegade Preacher
In this video essay, I aim to lay out an understandable timeline for where Andy Stanley came from and how different events in his life have influenced how he approaches situations now.

Andy Stanley’s HORRIBLE Take On The Authority Of Scripture!
Collin Miller
Brief but powerful video from Collin Miller at Fight For Truth on March 11, 2022. This is a “MUST SEE” Video!

Andy Stanley’s Teaching Gets EXPOSED!
Collin Miller
Video from Fight For Truth (February 7, 2023). Excellent!

Andy Stanley Just Made a BIG Mistake
Answers in Genesis
Video from June 21, 2018 by Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis

Eight Reasons to Reject Stanley’s Irresistible
David Mappes
Andy Stanley is a master communicator, popular author, and prominent pastor. In his book Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed from the World, Stanley argues that the church with its modern version of faith is ineffective and too easily resisted. He conjectures that people resist the modern church and Christianity because the Old Testament is mixed into it. Consequently, when believers defend the Old Testament’s historicity and accuracy, they alienate what he refers to as “post-Christians.”

Mega-pastor Accused of ‘Heresy’ for Attack on Old Testament
WND Staff
“We are looking here at the ancient heresy of Marcion, who argued that the Old Testament must be repudiated by the church,” wrote Mohler.

Marcion and Getting Unhitched from the Old Testament
Kevin DeYoung, PhD
Most early church heresies find a way to live on into other ages. This is especially true of Marcionism, with its distaste for an angry God, its optimism about human improvement, and its eagerness to set aside the Bible Jesus read.

Andy Stanley vs Jeff Durbin—Unhitching Christianity from the Old Testament?
Premier Unbelievable?
A 93-minute video of a debate between Andy Stanley and Jeff Durbin hosted on the Premier Unbelievable YouTube channel.

Unhitch from Old Testament? No, Jesus Didn’t!
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah chastises mega-pastor for misleading his flock!
From WorldNetDaily

Theologians Warn Andy Stanley’s Message to ‘Unhitch’ Old Testament Is Heresy
Stoyan Zaimov
Both Kevin DeYoung of Christ Covenant Church and Wesley Hill of Trinity School for Ministry are calling Stanley out for what they contend is heretical teaching — namely, Marcionism — the belief (that stems from the early church days) that the Old Testament is not authoritative in matters of Christian doctrine and morals.

Three Nagging Problems with Andy Stanley’s Approach to the Bible
Jared C. Wilson, DMin.
Andy Stanley believes the Bible needs our help, that his words are more effective than the Bible’s at reaching lost people. Which is just a way of saying that God’s Word isn’t good enough. Unbelievable!

Andy Stanley’s Statements about the Bible are not Cutting Edge—They’re Old Liberalism
David E. Prince, PhD
Stanley said he preaches some sermons without ever quoting the Bible. He views these sermons as extended introductions. He claims we do not believe Christianity because of the Bible, but because of the resurrection and eyewitness testimonies. Now he says that preachers should stop saying, “The Bible says.” Incredible!

On the Road to Emmaus: A Response to Andy Stanley’s Sermon “The Bible Told Me So”
Rustin J. Umstattd, PhD
“Jesus had to die on the cross, this I know, because Jesus told me the Old Testament tells me so.” Not a catchy tune by any reckoning, but I can imagine two guys on the road to Emmaus singing this song after their encounter with Jesus where he explained to them from Moses and all the prophets that he, in fact, had to die on a cross and be raised from the dead on the third day (Lk 24:13-33).

A Wolf in The Sheep Pen?
Shawn Powers
What happens when the wolf looks like a sheep? The wolf preaches on Sunday morning, wearing khaki pants and a nice long sleeve shirt from Land’s End. He is a smooth communicator and eloquent with his words. Now, there is nothing wrong with a teacher being a good communicator and wearing khaki pants. However . . .

Andy Stanley: A Cautionary Tale of the Danger of Wokeness
Kyle Whitt
In a 2019 lecture at Dallas Theological Seminary Andy Stanley attempted to shift the foundations of the Christian faith from a biblical worldview into an incoherent mixture of empiricism and subjectivity. This speech highlights Stanley’s deconstructionism applied to his Christian faith.

Is Andy Stanley affirming?
Denny Burk, PhD
Another case of studied ambiguity on LGBTQ issues.
If Stanley means something different than the affirming impression this message leaves, then he owes it to listeners to say so. As it is, he can hardly complain when listeners hear the message and conclude that this teaching stands in direct contradiction to the Bible and the faith once for all delivered to the saints.