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Satanism and the Occult

Real Life Testimony of an (Ex) Psychic

Sean McDowell & Jenn Nizza

Jennifer Nizza started psychic practices at 13 years old. She was quickly drawn into the occult for over two decades until having a radical life change. She shares some dramatic and powerful life experiences while practicing as a psychic and then her life-changing transition to Christ.

Decapitating the Serpent

Robb Brunansky, PhD

Earlier this month, a man named Michael Cassidy allegedly tore down and beheaded a statue erected by the Satanic Temple in the Iowa state capitol. He reportedly took this action because “it was extremely anti-Christian.” Later, he posted a quote of 1 Peter 5:8 to his X feed, where the apostle exhorts Christians to “be on the alert” because our “adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (NASB).

Ten Truths About a Liar

Samuel Bierig, PhD

Is Satan capable of inception? Does he whisper temptations in our ear? Is Satan’s authority, power, and relationship to unbelievers the same or different from Christians? These are all valid and, frankly, somewhat haunting questions. I am not left emotionally unmoved by the many destroyed marriages and ministries around me Satan has devoured. I trust your experience is comparable. It is vital that we rightly discern and evaluate Satan. He is not to be trifled with nor buffooned, but in Christ, his back was utterly broken on Calvary.



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