Witnessing to Seventh-day Adventists

Truth Led Me Out

Dale Ratzlaff

Many people have asked me why a fourth-generation Seventh-day Adventist pastor would leave the Adventist denomination. Truth Led Me Out is my story.

10 Questions about Adventism

Nathan Busenitz, Ph.D.

Dr. Busenitz presents ten miscellaneous points about SDA doctrine in the form of ten questions, with corresponding explanation and citation from various sources.

Amazing Facts about the Sabbath and Other Questions for Seventh-day Adventists!

A series of 89 questions that will force Adventists to examine what they have been taught by the SDA Church.

Questions to Ask SDA Friends

Dale Ratzlaff

While this booklet may appear to be against the SDA church, in reality it is the author’s deepest desire that it may in some small way bring positive change to this organization.


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