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But are Adventists Christians?

Is Seventh-day Adventism a Cult?

Hoekema discusses whether Seventh-day Adventism is to be considered as belonging to the cults, or as a denomination which may be classed with the evangelical churches.

The Puzzle of Seventh-day Adventists

Martin says that it should be carefully remembered that the Adventism of today is different in not a few places from the Adventism of 1844, and that a new evaluation is necessary.

Did Adventist Leaders lie to Walter Martin?

Walter Martin, the well-known cult researcher and Christian apologist, went to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1955 to make sure he accurately understood SDA doctrinal positions.

Seventh-day Adventists: What Do They Really Believe?

The most common question people ask about Seventh-day Adventists is whether or not we should classify them as a cult. It’s a loaded question.

Is Seventh-day Adventism a Cult?

The four major cults all were born within a 250-mile radius of each other. The seeds of Seventh-day Adventism were sown first.

From Controversy to Crisis

Since its inception in the mid-nineteenth century, Seventh-day Adventism (SDA) has remained extremely controversial among evangelical Christians.

Evaluating Seventh-day Adventism

Nathan Busenitz, Ph.D.

The Seventh-day Adventist church began as a distinctive movement with the teachings of William Miller.

What were the Main Factors in the Seventh Day Adventists' Transition from an Alternative to a Mainstream Theology?

Dave Burke

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