Seventh-day Adventism

Who are the Seventh-day Adventists?
Dennis A. Wright, D.Min.
We begin with a profound question: Just who are the Seventh-day Adventists? Are they just another branch of Evangelical Protestant Christianity? Or are they, in reality, a cult of Christianity? Or are they something in between these two extremes? Another way of asking this question might be: Are Seventh-day Adventists Christians or not?
The answer to this conundrum is: “That depends.”
In this article we will examine these questions and hopefully arrive at a definitive answer that can be backed up by not only the evidence—both pro and con—but also by the Scriptures themselves. We will allow Seventh-day Adventists to speak for themselves, using pro SDA resources, as well as examining the evidence and concerns of those who have left the SDA Church.

William Miller and Adventism
William Miller was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 1782. While he was still young, his family moved to Low Hampton, New York. Though he had been reared in a Christian home, Miller became a complete skeptic, rejecting the Bible as divine revelation. After a term in the army, he turned to farming, and became a respected member of the Low Hampton community. In 1816 he was converted from his skepticism. During the next two years he studied the Bible intensively–but without the help of commentaries.
In 1818 he wrote down the conclusions to which he had arrived, which ended with this statement: “I was thus brought, in 1818, at the close of my two-year study of the Scriptures, to the solemn conclusion, that in about twenty-five years from that time [1818] all the affairs of our present state would be wound up.” In other words, Miller concluded from his Bible study that the world would come to an end in 1843.

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Examines the Seventh-day Adventist Church, beginning with a broad overview of Seventh-day Adventism, the source of authority in the SDA Church, and examines just who the “true” Adventists really are. Included is Geoffrey Paxton’s monumental book, The Shaking of Adventism.

Truth about Adventist "Truth"
Dale Ratzlaff
As former Adventists we are often asked why we write material which appears to be attacking the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, many current SDA leaders have encouraged us to keep doing what we are doing.

Michael Is Not Jesus, And The Resurrection Is Not a Re-Creation
Colleen Tinker
Two of the SDA’s persistent but less-well-known teachings.

False Doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
While much of Seventh-day Adventist theology is doctrinally sound, there are some historic SDA doctrines that are heretical. This is an examination of these false doctrines:
- The Investigative Judgement
- The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary
- The Scapegoat Doctrine
- And others
Finally, Seventh-day Adventist Doctrine is compared and contrasted with the historic Christian faith.

But are Adventists Christians?
Are Seventh-day Adventists genuine Christians, members of a Cult, or something else entirely?
True or False: What does the record reveal?

Witnessing to Your Seventh-day Adventist Friends
The amazing testimony of a former fourth-generation Seventh-day Adventist pastor, as well as questions to ask your SDA friends.

Rare SDA Apologetics Books
Links to eight rare out-of-print and hard to find books on the errors of the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Excellent Resource!

The Changing World of Seventh-day Adventism
The articles in this section are designed specifically for the Serious Student of the history of Adventism and the changing nature of the Seventh-day Adventist Church!