The Adam-God Doctrine

The Adam-God Doctrine

Dennis A. Wright, DMin

In Mormonism, the Adam–God Doctrine was a doctrine taught by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other early leaders of the LDS Church. The doctrine states that Adam was actually God the Father, that he came to this earth with an immortal, celestial and resurrected body, along with Eve, one of his wives.

Mormonism’s Adam-God Doctrine

John Farkas

Adam-God theory/teachings/doctrine are names given to an alleged teaching by Brigham Young, the second president and prophet of the Mormon Church. He allegedly taught that Adam of the Garden of Eden is the Father of the spirit of Jesus Christ, is the Father of our spirits, is the literal father of the body of Jesus Christ, and is our God, i.e., God the Father. It is also alleged that later Prophets Wilford Woodruff and Joseph F. Smith, supported this teaching.

Brigham Young’s False Teaching: Adam is God

Chris Alex Vlachos

If Brigham Young, Mormon prophet from 1847 to 1877, were a false prophet all along, then the claims of those who have sought to derive their priesthood authority through him are empty and void. If Brigham taught false doctrine, that cuts the ground from under Mormonism’s claim of latter-day prophetic revelation and the Mormon Church is not divinely led.

A Method for Working with Mormons

Chris Alex Vlachos

One forceful way of using the Adam-God falsehood to turn Mormons to the true and living God is first to inquire whether the Mormon has a firm testimony that Brigham Young is a prophet of God and therefore a reliable teacher of Mormon doctrine. Then . . . .

The Adam-God Doctrine

David John Buerger

Now hear it, O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, Saint and Sinner! When our Father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He helped to make and organize this world. He is MICHAEL, the Archangel, the ANCIENT OF DAYS! about whom holy men have written and spoken—He is our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.  From Dialogue (a Mormon source) so be a Berean!

Adam-God: Brigham Young's Adam-God Teaching and Mormonism's Subsequent Damage Control

Mormonism Research Ministry

Superb resources linking to original sources that document the fact that Brigham Young did teach the Adam-God Doctrine! Learn also the chaos this caused in the LDS Church and how modern LDS authorities try to sweep this “under the rug.” 

Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthly Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)

Mormon Sources

This is a massive 132-page collection! Caution: Be a Berean!



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