The First Vision

Overview of Joseph Smith's
First Vision Accounts

LDS Discussions

The First Vision has become a symbol of the Mormon Church’s claim to be the one true and living church, and as the late Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley famously declared, “Our whole strength rests on the validity of that [First] vision. It either occurred or it did not occur. If it did not, then this work is a fraud. If it did, then it is the most important and wonderful work under the heavens.” (The Marvelous Foundation of Our Faith, Oct 2002)

The First Vision

Allen F. Harrod, DMin

“Without question the ‘First Vision’ of Joseph Smith stands as the chart and compass to the genuineness of all his subsequent revelations. It is a vision that conflicts with virtually every major doctrine that Christians have held since the first century Church. Since the late nineteenth century Latter-day Saints authorities have agreed on the importance of the first vision for the authority of their Church. If the first vision is a fabricated and evolving story, then the entire foundation of Mormonism is defective.”

The First Vision

Jerald & Sandra Tanner

The Tanner’s excellent analysis of Joseph Smith’s First Vision. Both of the Tanners were born into the faith and culture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and both are descended from prominent early Mormon leaders. 

Both Jerald and Sandra began to question the history and the doctrines of the Mormon Church and after a detailed examination of what they were being taught by their Mormon leadership and through serious Bible study, they came to realize the fraudulency that is Mormonism. 

After placing their faith in the Jesus of the Bible they became premiere apologists against the error of Mormonism and for the truth of Biblical Christianity.

Recorded Accounts of The First Vision

Dennis A. Wright, DMin

The importance of the First Vision within the Latter Day Saint movement evolved over time. It should be noted that there is little evidence that Smith discussed the First Vision publicly prior to 1830.

New Light on Mormon Origins from Palmyra Revival

Wesley P. Walters

Excellent research article by Wesley P. Walters published in the Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society, Volume 10 Number 4, 1967, 227-244.

Further Research on the First Vision

Various Authors

Links to online documents designed for the serious student of Mormonism. 



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