Evaluating the Publicity about Mormonism

Hinckley on the Traditional Christ
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Mormon Prophet publicly admits that Latter-day Saints (Mormons) do not worship the traditional Christ of the New Testament. Church News (June 20, 1998, p. 7).
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Brigham Young and His Women
New York Clipper
The elopement of Brigham Young’s seventeenth wife, reported by telegraph a few days ago, was not without encouragement, it seems, from the autocrat of the Mormon church, though he did not design or consent that she should go so soon.
(New York Clipper, August 9, 1873)

The Gardo House: A History of the Mansion and Its Occupants
Sandra Dawn Brimhall & Mark D. Curtis
On November 26, 1921, a crowd gathered at 70 E. South Temple Street in downtown Salt Lake City to watch the demolition of a Victorian mansion. This is the story of that fabulous home and its famous occupants, including early prophets of the Mormon Church and their polygamous wives!

SOLD! LDS Church Buys the Kirtland Temple, Historic Nauvoo Buildings and Artifacts
Various Authors
Future history books will record that March 5, 2024, is the “Day When Everything Changed” in the Mormon Church!