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Mormons: Good People Just Trying to Become Gods

Many Mormon sources were consulted in the preparation of Millions of Mormons Can’t Be Wrong, Or Can They? Some are totally sympathetic to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while others — notably LDS scholars — have serious questions about Mormon history and doctrine.

Therefore: Be a Berean!

“Then Shall They be Gods …” The Mormon Restoration of Deification

M. David Litwa, PhD

Excellent overview!

The Mormon God, Omniscience, and Eternal Progression

Francis J. Beckwith & Stephen E. Parrish

A Philosophical Analysis

Lorenzo Snow’s Couplet

Ronald V. Huggins, ThD

“As Man Now Is, God Once Was; As God Now Is, Man May Be”: “No Functioning Place In Present-Day Mormon Doctrine?” A Response To Richard Mouw.

Is Jesus the Only Redeemer? In Mormonism, It Depends.

Sharon Lindbloom

Did Jesus atone for the sins of all people on an infinite number of worlds as President Nelson taught? Or does each world have its own oldest-son Savior as Brigham Young taught? In Mormonism both could be true, and here’s why.

Why Practically Nobody–Including You, Former Mormon–Will Ever End Up in Outer Darkness

Eric Johnson

Celestial Marriage

Orson Pratt

A Discourse by Elder Orson Pratt, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, Utah, August 29, 1852.

Be a Berean!



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