Joseph Smith, Prophet or Pretender?
Many Mormon sources were consulted in the preparation of Millions of Mormons Can’t Be Wrong, Or Can They? Some are totally sympathetic to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while others — notably LDS scholars — have serious questions about Mormon history and doctrine.
Therefore: Be a Berean!

A Prophet from Palmyra?
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
Joseph Smith Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, in Vermont, on the border between the villages of South Royalton and Sharon, to Lucy Mack Smith and her husband Joseph Smith Sr., a merchant and farmer.
This is his story, critically examined to peel away the many layers of legend and legerdemain in order to present the true life story of Joseph Smith.

At Long Last, a Photo of Mormon Founder Joseph Smith Emerges
Peggy Fletcher Stack
Treasured daguerreotype was found in a descendant’s locket. Utah-based LDS Church welcomes the news.

How Joseph Smith and the Early Mormons Challenged American Democracy
Casey Cep
Unbelievable, but fascinating, true story about Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith's Grave
The graves of Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, and Hyrum Smith in Nauvoo, Illinois.

A Brief History of the Smith Family Nauvoo Cemetery
Lachlan Mackay
Emma Smith Bidamon expressed her desire to mark the graves of her in-laws, Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith, in an 1867 letter to her son, Joseph Smith III. One hundred thirty-five years later, her wish was fulfilled.

Scriptural Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Joseph Fielding Smith
Taken from his sermons and writings as they are found in the Documentary History and other publications of the Church and written or published in the days of the Prophet’s ministry.
Be a Berean !!!

Joseph Smith’s Experience of a Methodist “Camp-Meeting” in 1820.
D. Michael Quinn
Was there or was there not a “religious excitement” in or near Palmyra in 1820 as Joseph Smith claims? Inquiring minds want to know.

Joseph Smith and the Criminal Justice System
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, was charged with approximately thirty criminal actions during his life, and at least that many financial civil suits. Another source reports that Smith was arrested at least 42 times, including in the states of New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois.

The Wentworth Letter
The Wentworth Letter is significant for several reasons. First, it connects the message of what Mormons believe to be the Restoration with the history of said Restoration. Second, it emphasizes the First Vision as an essential part of the LDS message. Third, it contains the Standard of Truth, which has become a mission statement for missionaries. Fourth, it ends with the statements which later became the Articles of Faith. Fifth, it re-establishes Joseph Smith’s teachings that the Lamanites are the principal ancestors of the American Indians.

The Visionary World of Joseph Smith
Richard Lyman Bushman
Several people around the time of Joseph Smith had visionary experiences, opening a way for some to hear and receive the Prophet’s unique messages.

The Locations of Joseph Smith’s Early Treasure Quests
Dan Vogel
In mid-1971 Wesley P. Walters discovered Justice Albert Neely’s bill of costs for 1826 in the damp basement of the Chenango County Jail in Norwich, New Yorl, confirming Joseph Smith’s involvement in treasure digging.

Joseph Smith’s 1826 Trial: The Legal Setting
George A. Madsen
Since the subject of the 1826 trial of Joseph Smith has been
extensively reported and commented upon one quite rightly wonders what else is new or old to be said about that blip in Mormon history.

The Significance of Joseph Smith’s First Vision in Mormon Thought
James B. Allen
This singular story has achieved a position of unique importance in the traditions and official doctrine of the Mormon Church.

Joseph Smith’s Reputation Among Historians
Dean Jessee
Even though Joseph Smith was warned by a heavenly messenger at an early age that his namewould be known for both good and evil among all nations, he was not quite prepared for theintensity of the scorn that was heaped upon him.