Contending for the Faith with Your Mormon Friends
Many Mormon sources were consulted in the preparation of Millions of Mormons Can’t Be Wrong, Or Can They? Some are totally sympathetic to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while others — notably LDS scholars — have serious questions about Mormon history and doctrine.
Therefore: Be a Berean!
100 Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friends
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
Asking questions is a fantastic way to witness to your Mormon friends. Most Latter-day Saints will turn you off if you begin to preach to them or come across as one who is more interested in beating them over the head with a Bible. Your Mormon friend has very likely been taught all his life that the Bible is only the word of God “as far as it is translated correctly,” and that “many plain and precious things” have been removed.
Joseph Smith Did Not Believe the Book of Mormon, So Why Should Anyone Else?
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
In 1844 Joseph Smith declared that the Book of Mormon was “the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book.” But he didn’t do that!
Did Joseph Smith Really Say That?
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
Fourteen statements made by Joseph Smith that authentic Christians will find incredible!
All statements are documented from LDS sources!
Difficult Questions for Mormons
Various Authors
These 65 Difficult Questions have been collected from various sources over the past several decades and their original authors are unknown. It should be noted that these questions are not designed to be used as an attack upon your Mormon friend’s beliefs, but to encourage him to carefully consider the veracity of the claims of the LDS Church!
Comprehending the Counterfeit
Aaron K. Newton
Understanding, Counteracting, and Evangelizing The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Witnessing to Mormons
Roger P. Hansen
Those who frequently witness to Mormons seem to gravitate to one of three different approaches: (1) use of the Bible, (2) use of the Book of Mormon, or (3) discussing the many problems associated with LDS claims for being the only true and restored church of Jesus Christ.
Of course, one can blend a combination of these.