The Cults

What is a Cult?
Various Authors
There is no universally agreed–upon definition of a cult; there are only some generally recognizable traits. Actually, there are three different dimensions of a cult—doctrinal, sociological, and moral.

Various Authors
A detailed analysis of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Mormon History
The Philosophy of Mormons
Mormon Scriptures
The Mormon Priesthood
Mormon Temple Ceremonies
Mormon Splinter Groups
Problems of Mormonism
Presenting the Gospel to Mormons

Millions of Mormons Can't Be Wrong, Or Can They?
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
Extensive research behind the book Millions of Mormons Can’t Be Wrong, Or Can They? Included are links to other websites that will assist the serious student with his research.
And So, We Begin
Joseph Smith: Prophet or Pretender?
The First Vision of Joseph Smith
The Sacred Texts of Mormonism
Mormons: Good People Just Trying to Become Gods
Is Mormonism Christion?
The Adam-God Doctrine
and More!

Seventh-day Adventism
Various Authors
Begins with a lengthy article that answers the question: Who are the Seventh-day Adventists? Continues with a look at William Miller and “The Great Disappointment” that was a precursor to what is now known as Adventism. Includes an examination of Ellen G. White and the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and a look at the false doctrines of the SDA Church.
Answers the Questions: Are Seventh-day Adventists true Christians? and is the SDA Church a Christian church or just another Cult?

Really Bad Theology
Phillip R. Johnson
Phil Johnson is Executive Director and radio host of Grace to You, the media ministry of John MacArthur. Phil is also an elder at Grace Community Church, where he pastors the GraceLife fellowship group.
Here is Phil’s Master List of Really Bad Theology, complete with links to the various sites and what is wrong with their theology. Excellent resource!