The Crucifixion

The Hill We All Must Die On
Stephen J. Wellum, PhD
The doctrine of penal substitution is under attack today — and that’s an understatement. From voices outside of evangelical theology to those within, the historic Reformation view of the cross is claimed to be a “modern” invention from the cultural West. Four Questions to Ask About Atonement.

Jesus, Our Substitute
R.C. Sproul, PhD
The word vicarious is extremely important to our understanding of the atonement of Christ. The late Swiss theologian Karl Barth once said that, in his judgment, the single most important word in all of the Greek New Testament is the minuscule word huper. This little word is translated by the English phrase “in behalf of.”

The Stinging Tree
David Jeremiah, DD
Those who brush against the leaves of the Stinging Tree suffer pain that’s described as someone “being burned by hot acid and electrocuted at the same time.”

The Essence of Christianity and the Cross of Christ
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
Warfield’s masterful apologetic against liberal Professor Douglas Clyde Macintosh of the Yale Divinity School. Scholarly and somewhat lengthy but excellent nonetheless!

Preaching Christ Crucified
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
A Sermon published on Thursday, October 6, 1910, delivered by Charles H. Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, On Lord’s-day Evening, August 23, 1863.

A Physician’s View of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
C. Truman David, MD
For years I had taken the Crucifixion for granted and had grown callous to its horror. I didn’t even know the actual immediate cause of death.

Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
David Terasaka, MD
The tone of this presentation can best be summarized in the word “excruciate” which refers to something which causes great agony or torment, meaning “from, or out of, the cross.”

The Ironies of the Cross
D.A. Carson, PhD
Of the NT writers, those most given to irony are Matthew and John. In Matthew 27:27–51a, Matthew unfolds what takes place as Jesus is crucified—but he does so by displaying four huge ironies that show attentive readers what is really going on.

The Center of the Whole Bible
D.A. Carson, PhD
Parts of the Bible are tightly reasoned and hard to understand. You encounter many theological words and you must unpack such passages phrase by phrase if you are to gain more than vague impressions. Romans 3:21–26 is one of those passages.

The Strange Triumph of a Slaughtered Lamb
D.A. Carson, PhD
Dr. Carson examines Revelation 12:10–12 in the context of suffering. Includes an in-depth look at what has caused the church her greatest sufferings during the last several decades?

Historical Basis for Believing Jesus was Crucified in AD 30
Jim Liles
Excellent research. Highly recommended!

The Crucifixion of Christ: A Fact, not Fiction
Sam Shamoun
Excellent apologetic against Ahmed Deedat of the Islamic Propagation Centre in Durban and his booklet Was Christ Crucified? Highly Recommended!

The Significance of Christ’s Crosswork: Challenges and Responses to Why Christ Died
Gary E. Gilley, ThD
Excellent apologetic, on the significance of Christ’s crosswork.

Ten Powerful Facts about the Cross of Christ and His Crucifixion
Sam Storms, PhD
Storms is an Arminian, but an excellent presentation nonetheless! Be a Berean!

The Foolishness of the Cross
Thomas R. Schreiner, PhD
Excellent, though brief, editorial by Thomas R. Schreiner, professor of New Testament at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Cross of Christ
Paul Washer
We must understand that we have not fully proclaimed the death of Christ with saving power until we have cleared away the confusion that surrounds it and expounded its true meaning to our hearers.

The Crucifixion Took on New Religious Meaning in the Centuries After the Death of Jesus.
Tom Holland
Secular source. Be a Berean!

The Cross of the Lord Jesus
Horatius Bonar
Excellent online book by Horatius Bonar (1808-1889).
Sixteen pages.

Resources on The Crucifixion
Various Authors
Presented here are 182 excellent resources on The Crucifixion. This truly massive collection is in various formats, including PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 video files, and web pages.