Should Biblical Creation Become More Like Evolution?

Should Biblical Creation Become More Like Evolution?
Answers in Genesis
Think for a moment about an important biblical doctrine that you are very passionate about. Now imagine that someone has come into your church and has fundamentally changed the interpretation of that doctrine. They tell you they believe the same doctrine you do, but they constantly agree with theologians on the other side of the debate, with some of those theologians even being openly apostate. They also bring those interpretations into your youth groups, Sunday schools, and maybe even your church school. Many of them are openly praised by these same theologians who oppose your views. Welcome to what we claim has been happening within young-earth creationism for the last two decades or more.

Christianity Is Objectively True
Answers in Genesis
Most people who go to church grow up mainly hearing the Bible on Sundays, learning Bible stories in Sunday school, and hearing preaching from the pulpit. But then many of them go to schools where the education is purely secular and at least sometimes may be overtly hostile to the Bible. This leads to the impression that “religion” is subjective, emotional, and personal, while the “real world” belongs to the secularists.

Do Humans and Chimps Share a Common Ancestor?
Answers in Genesis
We’re probably all familiar with the iconic image of man’s supposed evolution from an apelike creature. On the surface it looks rather simple and straightforward and, to many, believable. But does it reflect reality, or is it just another evolution story?

Why Birds Are Not Dinosaurs (And Why It Matters)
Answers in Genesis
One of the primary points of contention between us and young-earth “evolution” (YEE) is the question of whether birds are dinosaurs.

Can Creationists Accept Evolution?
Answers in Genesis
The question of whether a creationist can accept evolution appears, at first blush, to be an oxymoron. After all, surely the two concepts are fundamentally opposed. Why would a creationist want to accept a concept they believe to be unbiblical? But it turns out, there are creationists who want to claim that God used evolution in some way. And no, they are not theistic evolutionists or evolutionary creationists, they still claim to be young-earth creationists.

Is There Ambiguity in Creation?
Answers in Genesis
Would God create the earth so that scientific investigation would yield seeming evidence of evolution and millions/billions of years? Is the evidence for creation and biblical history ambiguous?