Unconditional Election

Unconditional Election

James M. Boice & Philip G. Ryken

Election is an important measuring rod for someone’s theology, since an acceptance or rejection of this doctrine reveals at once whether a person is biblically correct on such other doctrines as the nature and extent of sin, the bondage of the will, the full grace of God in salvation, and more.

Unconditional Election - is it Biblical?

Got Questions

Unconditional election is a phrase that is used to summarize what the Bible teaches about the predestination—or the election—of people for salvation. 

Divine Sovereignty vs. Human Responsibility

Ken Boa

In God’s higher rationality, things that we think must be either-or can in reality be both-and.

Unconditional Election

David N Steele & Curtis C. Thomas

The doctrine of election declares that God, before the foundation of the world, chose certain individuals from among the fallen members of Adam’s race to be the objects of His undeserved favor. These, and these only, He purposed to save.

The Doctrine of Election in Historical Perspective

G.C. Berkouwer, ThD

While not a complete survey of the history of the doctrine of election, Berkouwer explains that in all variations of thought over the centuries “there is nothing new under the sun.”

Election is Not Based on God’s Foreknowledge of Our Faith

Wayne Grudem, PhD

Quite commonly people will agree that God predestines some to be saved, but will say that he does this by looking into the future and seeing who will believe in Christ and who will not. 

God is Sovereign in Salvation and That’s a Beautiful Thing

Jeff Robinson, PhD

Disputed and disdained though it may be, Predestination and its sibling, Election, are plainly taught in Scripture and every exegete must make peace with it.

Who Are the Elect of God?

Got Questions

Simply put, the “elect of God” are those whom God has predestined to salvation. They are called the “elect” because that word denotes the concept of choosing.

Predestination in the New Testament and St. Augustine

Peter Gilbert

An unpublished lecture, delivered at St. John’s College,

Augustine: Advocate of Free Will and Defender of Predestination

Brandon Peterson

Excellent detailed presentation. Recommended!

Does Man Have a Free Will?

John Calvin

In his very helpful book, The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, John Calvin stated that there are four expressions regarding the will which differ from one another.

Pastoral Thoughts on the Doctrine of Election

John Piper, DTheol

This is the teaching that God chose, before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), who would believe and so be undeservingly saved in spite of their sin, and who would persist in rebellion and so deservingly perish because of their sin. 

Augustinian Compatibilism and the Doctrine of Election

Phillip Cary

An excellent detailed examination (33 pages) of this subject.

Aquinas and Calvin on Predestination: Is There Any Common Ground?

Francis B. Cavalli

Interesing discussion. Detailed and meaty.

Corporate Election

Daniel B. Wallace, PhD

Professor Wallace of Dallas Theological Seminary refutes the concept of so-called corporate election and explains that the Doctrine of Election is individual in nature. Excellent answer!

Infant Election

Obbie T. Todd, PhD

Though scarcely preached from the Sunday morning pulpit, the subject of infant salvation is an intensely personal and pastoral issue deserving of proper treatment in the Baptist church. It is not so explicit in Scripture as to escape a measure of speculation, yet not so incidental a doctrine as to warrant “secondary” status. 



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