Limited Atonement

Particular Redemption

James M. Boice & Philip G. Ryken

If God planned from eternity to save one portion of the human race and not another, which is what election affirms, then it is a contradiction to say that he sent his Son to die for those he had previously determined not to save in the same way that he sent his Son to die for those he had determined actually to save.

Limited Atonement—is it Biblical?

Got Questions

“Limited atonement” is a term that is used to summarize what the Bible teaches about the purpose for Christ’s death on the cross and what His life, death and resurrection accomplished.

The Potter and the Clay

Steven J. Lawson, DMin

Excellent exposition of Romans 9:19-24.

Very Highly Recommended!

Limited Atonement or Particular Redemption

David N. Steele & Curtis C. Thomas

Christ’s redeeming work was definite in design and accomplishment—and was intended to render complete satisfaction for certain specified sinners and that it actually secured salvation for these individuals and for no one else. 

Thinking and Speaking Biblically About the Death of Christ

Daryl Wingerd

This is a five-part series that examines the Biblical purpose of the death of Christ: Did Jesus die for everyone or for the Elect?



Coming Soon!

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