Resources for Research

Resources on Creationism
Various Authors
More than 25 full length books on Creationism and Intelligent Design written by a number of scholars. Recommended!

Biblical Archaeology
These excellent resources come highly recommended. Links to printed information as well as numerous audio/visual presentations on Biblical archaeological discoveries.

Bible Dictionaries
Lion and Lamb Apologetics is pleased to present five of the very best Bible Dictionaries that are currently available.

The Cambridge History of the Bible
All three volumes of the original edition of the Cambridge History of the Bible,

The New Cambridge History of the Bible
Presenting all four volumes of the new edition of The Cambridge History of the Bible

Resources for every book in the Old Testament and New Testament can be accessed by clicking the link to the desired book of the Bible on the Main Research page.

The Cambridge History of Christianity
The complete nine volume edition of this historic reference work from Cambridge University.

The Puritans
Links to 1095 excellent resources on The Puritans. This truly massive collection is in various formats, including PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 video files, and web pages and can be downloaded to your computer for further research and study.

The Reformation
Presented here are 2546 excellent resources on The Reformers. This truly massive collection is in various formats, including PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 video files, and web pages and can be downloaded to your computer for further research.