The King James Only Controversy

The King James Only Controversy
Trevin Wax
The fundamentalist movement is cocooning itself into a safe web of tradition that will eventually squeeze the very life out of it. Independent Baptists once separated themselves from others over important doctrines, such as the virgin birth of Christ. Today, they do so over issues such as Bible translations.

The King James Only Controversy
Christopher Preston
Excellent review of The King James Only Controversy by James R. White. White discusses deep issues on a level that someone with very little to no theological training would be able to follow, but serious enough that a scholar could benefit from reading the book as well.

Fundamentalism and the King James Version: How a Venerable English Translation Became a Litmus Test for Orthodoxy
Jeffrey P. Straub, PhD
Excellent! Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (2011).

The Beginning of the Independent Baptist King James-only Movement
Frederick Widdowson
Examines the movement that began among Independent Baptist churches in 1964 that regarded the King James Bible as the very word of God in print, with all other modern translations being counterfeits and frauds.

The King James-only Movement: A Rejection of the Unique Authority of the Original Autographs of the Bible Authors
Frederick Widdowson
Widdowson presents 13 pages of excellent research!

The History of the King James Only Controversy within the Independent Baptist Churches: Its Effect and Importance, 1964-2000
Frederick Widdowson
Massive research! Highly Recommended!

The King James-only Movement in Print, 1964-2000: A Divisive Issue in Independent Baptist Churches
Frederick Widdowson
Historical documentation of how the King James Only Controversy has infiltrated Independent Baptist churches.

The Perfect Bible
Kelly P. Gallagher
Subtitled: “Proof that the King James Bible is the Only Perfect Word of God for English Speaking People.” An example of extremely poor scholarship and a closed mind! Caveat Emptor!

The King James Bible: The Sword of the King
R. Michael Sampat
A biased, and sometimes cynical, polemic for the King James Version. Not very well researched or written. Caveat Emptor!

What About Peter Ruckman?
David Cloud
Peter Ruckman believes that the King James Version of the Bible is Advanced Revelation!
Consider some of his statements to this effect: “The A.V. 1611 reading, here, is superior to any Greek text.” “Mistakes in the A.V. 1611 are advanced revelation!” “A little English will clear up the obscurities in any Greek text.” “If all you have is the ‘original Greek,’ you lose light”
Here are some warnings about his ministry!

Why Respond to Gail Riplinger?
James R. White, ThD
Riplinger and her book, New Age Bible Versions, has disturbed the peace of many churches in the United States and abroad. The allegations she makes against Christian men of many denominational backgrounds are serious indeed. Sadly, she is sincerely, and almost completely, wrong!

A Response to Gail Anne Riplinger – “The Art of Deceit....”
Alex Young
Young presents a well-written 56 page response to the wild claims of Gail Riplinger. Recommended!