The Free Grace Movement

Exactly What is the Free Grace Movement?

Dennis A. Wright, DMin

An analysis of the Free Grace Movement: where it originated, what it teaches, who are its advocates, why it is wrong, and how it ultimately denies God’s sovereignty!

Should We Embrace “Free Grace” Theology? Wayne Grudem Says No!”

Jeff Straub, PhD

Excellent presentation!

Salvation without Repentance from Sin? A Critique of the “Free Grace” Gospel

Wayne Grudem, PhD

Paper delivered to ETS Annual Meeting, 2014.

“Free Grace” Theology: 5 Ways It Diminishes the Gospel

Wayne Grudem, PhD

Grudem’s analysis is superb!

Free Grace by Wayne Grudem

Thomas Nettles, PhD

This is an excellent review of Wayne Grudem’s book, “Free Grace” Theology: 5 Ways it Diminishes the Gospel. Published by Founders Ministries.

A Biblical Response

Phillip L. Simpson

A Biblical Response to the Teachings of Zane Hodges, Joseph Dillow, and the Grace Evangelical Society (Called the “Free Grace Movement)

Wayne Grudem on Genuine Faith

Shawn Lazar

This article addresses Wayne Grudem’s definition of “genuine faith.”

An Introduction to Lordship Salvation

John F. MacArthur, DD

Presented at Grace Community Church

Letter to a Friend Concerning the So-Called “Lordship Salvation”

John Piper, ThD

Very helpful presentation!

Free Grace Misunderstandings of B.B. Warfield on the Need to Decide to Trust in Christ Personally

Wayne Grudem, PhD


How "Free Grace" Theology Diminishes the Gospel

Justin Dillehay

Dillehay reviews “Free Grace” Theology: Five Ways It Diminishes the Gospel by Wayne Grudem.

That You May Believe

Thomas L. Stegall, ThD

Subtitled: “The Evangelistic Purpose and Message of John’s Gospel in Relation to Free Grace Theology.” This is Stegall’s ThD dissertation (384 pages). Scholarly. 

The Gospel of Christ

Thomas L. Stegall, ThD

Subtitled: “A Biblical Response to the Crossless Gospel
Regarding the Contents of Saving Faith.” Interesting perspective (815 pages). Detailed.

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